Wednesday, October 30, 2002

The recent invitation by certain activist groups in the Fredericksburg area to bring consulting firm Concordia into the realm of city politics has produced a letter from Paul Lewis of Rappahannock Area Grassroots.

In Fredericksburg, it seems, if you lose an election and you happen to think you should still run the city anyway, you pay to create your own council--a shadow government of unelected but paying personalities. Then you call it government by the people, even though not one was ever voted into office; you exclude the duly elected governing body from participating, and you bully the city into accepting the resulting so-called leadership.

Now I'm no expert, but isn't this exactly what the former city council said about RAG et al.? Just wondering. . .

Tuesday, October 29, 2002

Tom Byrnes wrote an excellent op-ed in the Free Lance Star today on Fredericksburg's potential to become a regional tourist hub. Sounds good to me, but in a city that already complains about transient college students, I wonder how well voters here would appreciate it if Fredericksburg did become a nerve center for tourism? Of course, there is a tasteful way to do it that will benefit all concerned, but how many thousands of tourists will cramp our limited infrastructure? Such a course almost mandates a tourist campus at Celebrate Virginia, does it not? To complicate matters more, why should City Hall subsidize downtown businesses with free advertising and infrastructure improvements when we just waged a war against the special interests building Celebrate Virginia? No one wants to trade the Disneyesque art deco world of Central Park for a vision of Colonial Silverburg. Pitfalls abound without a clear direction of just where the city is going. That drumming sound is the fingers of city residents waiting for a clear direction, even if it is just a rational, pragmatic approach to America's Most Historic City.

Time will tell the tale. More important for our immediate future, City Council should determine the status of Idlewyld before we begin talking about tourism strategies. No matter what the potential gain is for tourism, it will be completely lost to the infrastructure requirements that Idlewyld will bring. . . not to mention the loss of a valuable green belt between the city and the sprawl of Four Mile Fork.

Thursday, October 24, 2002

For those of us who are in the know, Susan Greenbaum and Bob Gramman are performing at the Songwriters Showcase behind Pickers Supply in Downtown Fredericksburg at 8:00pm on Friday night. Come see!

More importantly, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is also at 8:00pm at St. Mary Catholic Church. Come see this first!

And my brother seems to have discovered the Information Warfare Site. Impressive to say the least - you can sign up for their newsletter fairly easily to stay in the know.

Wednesday, October 23, 2002

Here we go again. Thanks to the sniper attacks, there has been a recent wave of "me too"-ism reminiscent of the thrity million people who saw the plane slam into the Pentagon on September 11th. Now obviously this is nothing that I can write about to any degree, but I am getting tired of it already. I remember one commentator last year talking about how long it would take for us to revert back to our pre-9-11 mentality. Not too long, unfortunately. . .

Will: My neice was in Doswell during the Ashland attack
Will: My cousin was in the next restaurant at the time of the attack.

Shaun: My uncle's father's sister's cousin's roommate was eating lunch near a white van in Eureka during the World Series (wtf?!)
Shaun: Who cares where your family was? You people are worse than the sympathy whores after 9-11. . .
Mom: Shaun, I bet if you were sitting next door in the restaurant, we'd be hearing about it though!!! Too close to home, is too close to home.
jason: here here, mom. Shaun, don't be an ass, mister "I saw the plane head towards the Pentagon"
jason: really, I see will's comments more as concern for his family who happened to be in close proximity than an attempt to say "COOL!!!!!"

Shaun: Imagine how the *real* victims feel when you people piggyback and oprah-fy what they are going through. Disgusting. . .
Shaun: That's reality - someone's distant relative being in the area is crap. It's a cheap attempt by people to identify with something that's not even theirs.

Do I sound angry? You bet I do.

Enough is enough. How many people have to die or experience real trauma before we quit trying to identify with every tragedy?

Wednesday, October 09, 2002

Marvin Bolinger announced that he would resign as Fredericksburg City Manager as of 15 January, a decision that seems to have been made with the implicit threat of having him removed if Bolinger did not do so voluntarily. More tomorrow. . .

Mary Washington College is holding a concert at the Battleground Complex on Marye Heights this Saturday, 12 October at 6:00pm. Fireworks are scheduled to be displayed at 7:30pm, so if you are in the neighborhood check them out. The band you ask? carbon leaf - a cheap imitation Irish rock band from Richmond of all places. They don't even sound Irish.

Fresh from the Voters to Stop Sprawl e-mail string is a discussion on the Idylwild tract. Is it sprawl? What should VSS do about it, if anything at all? Positions about, and I sent this solution out that seems to have received a good amount of attention. Let me know what you think:

My recommendation has always been that the city purchase the Idylwild tract by co-ordinating a sale of the James Monroe High School tract to the college.

By doing this, we kill not just two, but several birds with one stone. We save the Idylwild tract from development, preserve a massive area of green space, prevent a traffic disaster on Rt. 1 and Rt. 3, stave off the building of two new schools that could cost city residents upwards of $70mil dollars, and create the opportunity to build not only a vast city park, but also precious land for new facilities for our fire, police, and rescue services - not to mention the space needed for a new JM high school that is inevitably coming around the corner.

Of course there are several issues surrounding this. The developer may not sell. At the moment, the developer can by right build 500+ homes on the land. In doing something like this, we will lock ourselves into building a rather expensive (albeit necessary) high school during a long-term budget crunch in Richmond. While the college will let us use the high school for as long as we need it, we will still have to rent the old facility at cost. All this having been said, the "third rail" isn't very steady or sure at the moment, but it is definitely worth firming up.

To complicate matters more, there is a "fourth rail" that we should take a look at -- namely taking the existing plan and dividing the buildable land into homes and light industry (a technology campus). While this doesn't alleviate all of the problems, it adds to Fredericksburg's ability to become a regional hub rather than another suburb of Washington. By adding to the list of being a commercial and tourist center, creating a technology campus there at Idylwild wold ideally make Fredericksburg a place to work as well as play. I certainly wouldn't mind going to work 15 minutes down the road rather than 55 minutes up 1-95! This would partially resolve the traffic issue and ease the impact on schools, public services, and water/sewer - the trade off being added revenues from a technology center at Idylwild. Of course we still lose the same amount of green space, but by right the developer could take it all out anyhow. . .

Regardless of these issues, it is incumbent upon VSS to take a stand on any major development issue in the Fredericksburg area. Idylwild is a good development, just not for Fredericksburg - for all of the reasons already stated.

Just a few thoughts!

Thursday, October 03, 2002

In a matter of less than 100 days, the new Fredericksburg City Council is proving to be just as interesting as the old one. My opinion piece on the current e-mail lawsuit was printed in the Free Lance-Star on Tuesday, 01 October. It was immediately followed by a surprisingly critical editorial in the Thursday edition of the paper.

My apologies to the editors, but in 100 days the current councilmen have not only been hamstrung by recalcitrant staff and frivolous lawsuits, but have grappled with the Thurman Brisbane Homeless Shelter over their relocation issues - a topic that the city honorably involved itself in while the leadership in Spotsylvania and Stafford folded their arms. The laundry list given in the paper will take time, not to mention co-operation from the very individuals sponsoring the lawsuit. When the opposition extends an olive branch, one doesn't quite expect to get beaten with it. Time will tell the tale, but the patience of city residents hasn't been strung that tightly just yet. Wait for them to raise my taxes. . .

In other news, the chairman of the Stafford Democratic Committee would now like to inform you that the Democratic Party is not pro-abortion. I'm sure this is news to Camile Paglia and her friends at NOW and NARAL - not to mention myself.

Dr. Timothy Noone was one of my earliest professors at the Catholic University, and a terrific lecturer and scholar. During my freshman year (Philosophy 202, Enlightenment to Neitzche), he was just completing his doctorate in philosophy. Dr. Noone will be giving a lecture on "Truth, Creation, and Intelligibility in Anselm, Grosseteste, and Bonaventure" at the Life Cycle Institute at 2:00pm on Friday, 11 October.

Additional lectures of interest are Professor John Milbank's lecture entitled "Truth as the Bond of Being" at the Catholic University on Friday, 08 November at 2:00pm, and David Solomon's lecture entitled "Truth in Twentieth Century Ethics" on 22 November at 2:00pm, both at the Life Cycle Institute.

If you're looking for something more local, the Mary Washington College Symphony Orchestra is holding a free concert at Dodd Auditorium on 08 October at 8:00pm.




JEFFERSONIAD POLL: Whom do you support for Virginia Attorney General?

1) John Brownlee
2) Ken Cuccinelli

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