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Tuesday, March 30, 2004"Passion of the Christ" Tops UK Movie Charts ![]() Its success here mirrors its remarkable run in the US, where the film passed the $300m (£165m) mark last week. The Passion, which depicts the final 12 hours in the life of Jesus in gory detail, topped the box office there for three weeks, before being seen off by the even more gruesome zombie remake Dawn of the Dead.Why would I be harping on this line? Because of an editorial piece offered up by one of the UK Guardian's editors a few days ago: Duly chastened, the director (Mel Gibson) has concocted a film so festive in its lurid, graphic, semi-pornographic, homoerotic violence that not even the most bloodthirsty film-goer could complain about failing to get his money's worth.Semi-pornographic? Homoerotic violence? Compared to Dawn of the Dead? Or another British thriller, 28 Days Later (pictured above)? Those define grotesque and shocking and are worthy of the criticism. But the Passion? Nice to see the wheels spinning on the left. British Police Arrest 8, Seize Bomb-Making Chemical in Suspected Terror Plot Ammonium nitrate. Half a ton of it, which for those of you who know your chemistry, goes BOOM in a big way. . . The chief anti-terrorism officer of the Metropolitan Police, Peter Clarke, said a raid in west London had found half a ton of ammonium nitrate, which can be made into a bomb. He said police have arrested eight men, all British citizens ranging in age from 17 to 32. Scientists On The Verge of Creating Life There's an old joke that runs something like this: A group of scientists went to God an announced they no longer needed Him. God raised an eyebrow and replied, "Okay, I'll go away if you can create something." So the scientists agreed, and bent over to pick up a handful of dirt to take back to the lab. "No no no," replied God, "your dirt, not mine." "It's certainly true that we are tinkering with something very powerful here," said artificial-life researcher Steen Rasmussen of Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. Monday, March 29, 2004Warnings from Islam's 'messianic whirlpool' Not that I am a big fan of WorldNetDaily or anything (more of a DrudgeReport kind of guy), but this one was valid enough to make some of the intel warning lists: An Israeli intelligence analyst sees a frenzy of jihadist Internet communications as part of a "dangerous Islamic messianic whirlpool" featuring a number of prophecies culminating in the coming of the "Mahdi," reports the latest issue of the premium online intelligence newsletter Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin. Thursday's Hearing Proving a Success I think I hit a hornet's nest. Folks have been e-mailing and contacting me with many messages of thanks and support. It's kinda cool - very humbling to see that we are indeed pushing in the right direction against the tax hikes in Spotsylvania County. It seems as if we are managing the debate right now, which is a good thing - because the alternative is a tax increase that no one wants to pay - and in a good majority of cases can't really afford. We had an excellent turnout (although fewer than expected) last Thursday. Now the trick is to keep the pressure on swing votes and to continue to encourage our Republican supervisors to stick to their guns. Demonstrators Swarm Around Rove's Home More civility from the left: Protesters poured out of one school bus after another, piercing an otherwise quiet, peaceful Sunday in Rove's Palisades neighborhood in Northwest, chanting, "Karl, Karl, come on out! See what the DREAM Act is all about!"Now was this necessary?! I understand the need for individuals to get their message across, but to take a Sunday afternoon to go attack the home of a staffer is ridiculous. You could have protested across the street, sent one or two key leaders across, and you would have been more effective. Friday, March 26, 2004Best Field Goal Kick Ever! This is something you have to watch, even if you are not a fan of soccer. Tax rate, budget debated Yep, yours truly made the paper again, this time managing to anger about 50% of the Spotsylvania County School System: Two hours into a public hearing on Spotsylvania County's proposed budget, speakers supporting the advertised real-estate tax rate of 96 cents and those wanting an equalized rate were evenly split.Of course, this is what I received from my buddy Jason this morning: just listened to the radio on the way into work andThe compelling argument that earned the rancor of the tax-hikers was the rhetorical question, "will we see an 11% increase in the quality of our education?" Speakers for the rest of the evening fumbled for a response - and after my own speech I received a number of boos amid a good deal of applause. Nice to see we Republicans can still frame the debate. One of the more moving moments was as folks were leaving the public hearing. I met with about five to six people from the Lake Anna area who thanked me for my efforts. One lady was on the brink of tears explaining how her assessments were nearly 100%, which even if we held the line on taxes she would inevitably be forced to move unless real help came her way. It really does take a special hardness of heart to shrug and vote for tax hikes. That's the very real effect of property tax hikes, and why I am confident that our supervisors will do the right thing and hold the line at $0.85. Pope Says Sundays for God, Not Sports But I'm sure he is still a Redskins fan. Honest! Of course he's right. If you want to watch the game, go to an earlier (or later) Mass or service. But go to church on Sunday, 'cause if you don't the Skins just might lose that day - and it'll be your fault!!! Thursday, March 25, 2004TAX HEARING TONIGHT AT COURTLAND HIGH SCHOOL, 7:30 P.M. For those of your riled up about the proposed 13% tax hike in Spotsylvania County, the public hearing will be held tonight at Courtland High School at 7:30pm. Bring the family, bring your friends, bring your neighbors. . . because every taxpayer present will count. Tuesday, March 23, 2004Amazing Photos From Iraq Be warned, some of these pictures are graphic, but all of them are real. Monday, March 22, 2004HAMAS Leader Killed Happy Monday morning, courtesy of the Israeli Defence Forces! "Their bodies were shattered," he was quoted by the Associated Press as saying.Now knowing this would happen, I wonder what the IDF intended to acheive with this attack? I suppose we'll see in the next few months when Arafat is dragged out of Ramallah and dumped in Jordan somewhere. Sunday, March 21, 2004Stop Hanoi John Kerry A rather interesting Flash video concerning Sen. John Kerry and his actions with the VVAW. Worth the wait. Pope Declares the Removal of Feeding Tubes to be Immoral In a no-brainer commentary to faithful Catholics across the world, Pope John Paul II announced that the removal of feeding tubes was indeed an immoral act that denied basic provision in terms of food and water: The pope said even the medical terminology used to describe people in so-called "persistent vegetative states" was degrading to them. He said no matter how sick a person was, "he is and will always be a man, never becoming a 'vegetable' or 'animal.'"I'm sure many in the medical community (especially those who subscribe to Peter Singer's version of ethics) will howl and ridicule the statement. But the Pope is right, and the larger question should be placed upon those who insist that the least among us should no longer qualify as lives worth living. Friday, March 19, 2004Taiwanese President Shot in Assassination Attempt Seems as if assassination and terror is the order of the day: Mr Chen and the vice-president, Annette Lu, were shot and wounded amid a cacophony of firecrackers as they waved at supporters from an open-top vehicle on the final day of their re-election campaign.No word on who was responsible, but I'll bet it was something internal and not from the PRC or al-Qaeda. HOT or NOT?!?! Well come on now. . . is my Blog HOT or NOT? EDIT: Clearly, my blog is too sophisticated for Blog Hot or Not, as the link verification wants to check out my frames pages and I didn't have the common sense to post the link for BHoN directly to the weblog page. . . and I can't change the link. Ah well, the site is still worth checking out. Thursday, March 18, 2004German Churches Decry "Passion" In case you were wondering, this is how you define ludicrous: Rushed into 400 cinemas in the world's second biggest film market by revenues three weeks ahead of schedule due to public demand, the biblical epic portraying Christ's final 12 hours was also attacked by German film critics as anti-Semitic kitsch. The statement also assailed the film for its disturbing brutality "that exceeds acceptable boundaries" and for oversimplifying the message of the bible.The very idea that "Passion" oversimplifies is so underwhelming that it defies a response. Oversimplification is not the word I would ever use to describe the movie - ever. But of course, it is successful in degrading the movie, because short responses either come in the form of incredulity, sarcasm, or silence. Hopefully, the German public has a better sense of itself than the near-schismatic German Catholic Bishops. 13-year old Carlsen beats Karpov! Not only did he beat Anatoly Karpov, but he is on track to beat Gary Kasparov and become the world's youngest chess champion ever. Saturn moon 'like Canada' Eh? Maybe we should change the name from Titan to "Can-a-dia". . . Dr Ralph Lorenz, a mission scientist based at the University of Arizona in Tucson, yesterday described what he expected Huygens to encounter.Something else the article says is that Titan has an atmosphere four times denser than Earth. Amazing, I never knew that. Couple Arrested After 'Passion' Debate Here's a great example of when people argue somewhat the same point and still disagree: A couple who got into a dispute over a theological point after watching "The Passion of the Christ" were arrested after the argument turned violent.Nevermind the movie wasn't even about God the Father. The answer of course is that God the Father is both divine and real, so they were both wrong. But the best comment came from the deputy: "Really, it was kind of a pitiful thing, to go to a movie like that and fight about it. I think they missed the point," said Gene McDaniel, chief sheriff's deputy. Liberals forget that government's money comes from our pockets My opinion column printed in today's Free Lance-Star: TED HONTZ in his March 11 response to Del. Mark Cole ["'No new taxes'? How about 'no new progress' on budget mess?"] offers the same tax-and-spend mantra against conservatives who dare stand behind Virginia's working families and against tax hikes. Tuesday, March 16, 2004
Imaginary Foreign Leader Endorsement Have you ever been caught in a lie while running for President of the United States? If you want to make a current president jealous, look better in front of your political buddies who have real foreign relations experience, or if you are just a liar who got called out on your bogus campaign lies, this is the auction for you!!! I’ll pretend that I am the leader of a foreign nation that supports your candidacy for President of the United States until the elections in November. Monday, March 15, 2004Selective Service System Begins Preliminaries for "Special Services Draft" Calling all Americans, 18-25. . . Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is adamant that he will not ask Congress to authorize a draft, and officials at the Selective Service System, the independent federal agency that would organize any conscription, stress that the possibility of a so-called "special skills draft" is remote. Sunday, March 14, 2004Big Brothers/Big Sisters Bowl-a-Thon! Today is the BB/BS Bowl-a-Thon at Liberty Lanes. If you have one afternoon a month free, consider joining the organization and sponsoring a Little Brother or Sister. It is a teriffic organization that I certainly benefited from when I was a child. It's one afternoon a month (or more), and you get to make a really cool friend. You don't even have to spend money, just hang out, watch basketball on TV, and drink a Coke. It may not seem like much, but it makes a world of difference. Saturday, March 13, 2004VRE Expansion in Spotsylvania? The Committee of 500 is holding a forum to discuss the pros and cons of extending the VRE to Spotslyvania County. The panel discussion will take place in Room 212 at Germanna Community College off the U.S. 17 Bypass near Lee's Hill from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.The answer should be no, and for two reasons. First, there is no reason why we should be subsidizing someone's ride to work at the expense of the taxpayer. Secondly, extending the VRE extends the methods of travelling to Washington, which ultimately creates and instigates more sprawl rather than solving the problem. I'll be interested to hear what - if any - alternatives to the VRE extension are proposed. But the VRE is simply way too expensive and too long a trip for folks in Spotsylvania to legitimately consider as a transportation alternative. Democrat Kerry Challenges Bush to Monthly Debates You gotta love this little line: "Surely, if the attack ads can start now at least we can agree to start a real discussion about America's future," Kerry said in remarks prepared for delivery in Quincy, Illinois, later on Saturday.Well now, Senator. . . who started verbal assault on President Bush?! The duplicity is remarkable, but the request for monthly debates tells me something. Usually you request debates in one of two scenarios; publicity in the event the discourse is healthy, and notoriety in the event your campaign is not doing well. Now somehow I don't believe that Kerry has the best interests of the political discourse at the heart of his bid for the presidency, which leads me down path #2. Sweet! Thursday, March 11, 2004Madrid Train Terror Blasts Kill 190 The terror blast in Madrid today is being denied by the Basque separatist parties and the ETA, who usually take responsibility no matter how poorly planned or well-carried out the attacks were. However, there is one terrorist organization that comes to mind which has a peculiar habit of not taking responsibility for their attacks until well after they are carried out. al-Qaeda? Perhaps. . . UPDATE: WHO CALLED IT?! CNN is reporting that Spanish authorities found a van with detonators and Arabic-audio tapes. Could be a plant, could pan out, but I was dead on target. More soon. . . A Million Europeans Enslaved Usually when we think of slavery, we think of the tragedy of Africans being brought to the Americas. But not many realize that slavery was a worldwide fad between 1500-1800, most notably practiced by the Moors who brought nearly one million white European slaves to the Ottoman Empire and other Barbary States: In a new book, "Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast, and Italy, 1500-1800," Mr. Davis calculates that between 1 million and 1.25 million Europeans were captured by pirates called "corsairs" and forced to work in North Africa during that period. Wednesday, March 10, 2004Spotsylvania Mulls 13% Tax Hike Gotta love the Free Lance-Star. Only they could characterize a 13% tax hike as a lower rate: Spotsylvania County supervisors voted yesterday to advertise a real-estate tax rate of 96 cents--5 cents less than the current levy but one that would raise the tax bills of most homeowners by almost 13 percent.March 25th is T-Day, for Tax Day! It's time to rally 'round the standard again, folks. Every taxpayer in Spotsylvania should be prepared to attend this critical public hearing in order to make our voices heard loud and clear - "NO NEW TAXES!!!" AVERY CARDINAL DULLES TO SPEAK AT CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY 15-16 MARCH Cardinal Dulles will be speaking to the students of Catholic University next Tuesday, 16 March on "The Evangelization of Culture and the Role of the Catholic University." It should be an outstanding talk, and since I will be unable to attend, everyone else should make allow me to attend vicariously. . . which means don't pass this up! In addition, if you would like to see RNC Chairman Ed Gillipsie beat up on DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe, you can travel to the Catholic University on Thursday, 18 March at 8pm at Pryzbla Center. For those of you who have not been to the new facility, this would be a great opportunity to see how the Catholic University is growing. Tuesday, March 09, 2004Abbu Abbas Dies The former leader of the Palestinian Liberation Front died while in American custody in Iraq, according to the BBC. Abbas was being held in exile by Saddam Hussein since the 1980s and was the first terror organization to hijack airliners as a method of making their views public. American Robin Gets Eaten By British Sparrowhawk Now there are a couple of reasons why this is somewhat interesting. Firstly, robins (yep, the same orange-breasted robins that appear every spring) are not common in England it seems. Secondly, the bird was being photographed by birdwatchers in England, as they are a rarity. Third, the bird had to get caught up in the Jet Stream in order to make the trip. And finally, the poor animal was eaten alive by a sparrow hawk that couldn't resist what constituted an orange-breasted bulls eye, much to the horror of the birdwatchers: But the trust's migration watch organiser Dawn Balmer was more philosophical.Ah well. I'm sure the Brits will get a chuckle out of the event as one more American getting trounced by superior British breeding. Although it does remind me of an article in the Washington Times concerning the snakefish that invaded the ponds in Maryland. . . the thrust of the article was that, for as terrified as environmentalists were about the impact of the snakefish on native wildlife, that it would never survive the carp, catfish, and smallmouth bass. "Bring it on" would have been an understatement! Monday, March 08, 2004Kerry-Brokaw 2004? Interesting but unlikely: Most Americans have respect, even affection, for Mr. Brokaw. More than one TV critic commented on his performance as moderator of a Democratic presidential debate last November by suggesting the debate would have been livened up if he had been one of the candidates. The Weekly Standard says he has mastered the technique of appearing on television as "a thoughtful fellow, caught in unhurried rumination." His book on World War II veterans, "The Greatest Generation," sold more than 4.1 million copies in 1999 and was followed up by three subsequent bestsellers. Even his ideological adversaries give him his due. Dennis Miller, the caustic comedian, dismisses Peter Jennings and Dan Rather as "Stepford anchors" but even before he landed his current show on CNBC opined that "Tom has many likable human qualities."This might have been better for April Fools Day, but you never know. . . Anti-Tax Hike Rally Draws Crowd About 150 - 200 people protested the Warner-Chichester tax hikes today in Richmond. Not a bad turnout I'd say, and with a clear and solid call for a referendum on the $4 billion tax hike. Friday, March 05, 2004Frylock ![]() I am Frylock from Aqua Teen Hunger Force!! Which Aqua Teen Hunger Force character are you?? I'm genuinely touched. What a stupid, stupid show. Thursday, March 04, 2004HAPPY BIRTHDAY JASON! Jason Kenney turns 25 today. Happy Birthday bro! "Passion" Composer to Satan: "Let’s go out into the parking lot and let’s go" John Debney, composer of the soundrack to "The Passion of the Christ," claims to have not only seen Satan several times as he was putting together the soundtrack, but at one point became so irritated that he demanded Satan manifest himself and take it into the parking lot: “I had never before subscribed to the idea that maybe Satan is a real person, but I can attest that he was in my room a lot and I know that he hit everyone on this production,” Debney said, according to a lengthy interview that ran on Assist News Service, a Christian news agency.No details as to who won the fight, or if it even took place. But the story is confirmed. What's more is that I believe the guy. Interesting that MSNBC decided to tell the story in the same column as Janet Jackson's boob. Tuesday, March 02, 2004Legalize Gay Marriage? No, It's Against the Natural Law John Uschold of Spotsylvania wrote an excellent defense of marriage in today's Free Lance Star: Until recently, there seemed to have been a consensus among societies with monotheistic traditions that all civil law was rooted in natural law, which is written upon created order and, as the Apostle Paul put it, "graven on the heart of man."Absolutely outstanding. The book that he quotes entitled Clash of Orthodoxies is a great book that I highly recommend. You can order it online or see if they have a copy at your nearest bookstore. Or for a great review, check out First Things. Water, Possibly FOSSILS on Mars?! Cool stuff here! NASA will hold a press conference Tuesday to announce "significant findings" about water on Mars based on evidence from its Opportunity Mars rover.Blah, blah, blah. Who cares about water, check this link out! Opportunity's Microscopic Imager found this intriguing object, lookingmore like Rotini pasta. Its odd shape has stirred up Mars researchers,both inside and outside of the NASA Mars Rover Exploration team. Whetheror not this object is related to biology has prompted a variety of views.Looks like a fossilized object to me. The only problem is that the picture is a bit fuzzed out. But if you look to the right about 1/5th of the way down and to the left, you will notice a smaller, similar sized object embedded in the rock. Fossils? Perhaps. So I tried looking at the original on the JPL site, without much luck due to the volume of information. If I can find anything more conclusive I'll let folks know, but those certainly look like something other than ordinary rock to me! Debate over the Vinland Map Renewed Remember the old Vinland Map that predates Columbus' discovery of the new world by fifty years or so? The debate has swung back and forth from authentic to fake, back to authentic, and now possibly back to fake: Historian Kirsten A. Seaver, a fellow of the Royal Geographical Society in London, states that the map's writing contains historical anachronisms such as mention of Bishop Eirik of Greenland of the early 12th century reporting to superiors, although he would have had none, because Greenland had not yet become part of the Church hierarchy. "This map absolutely screams 'fake,'" Seaver remarks. In fact, she believes she has found the culprit--a German Jesuit priest, Father Josef Fischer, a specialist in mid-15th-century world maps. Her theory is that Fischer created the map in the 1930s to tease the Nazis, playing on their claims of early Norse dominion of the Americas and on their loathing of Roman Catholic Church authority. The map, she supposes, vanished during postwar looting. Seaver's book on her search will appear this June.Good article. I'd love to read more about the idea that the map was drawn up to anger Hitler! That would be a good book indeed.
JEFFERSONIAD POLL: Whom do you support for Virginia Attorney General?1) John Brownlee2) Ken Cuccinelli AboutShaunKenney.com is one of Virginia's oldest political blogs, focusing on the role of religion and politics in public life. Shaun Kenney, 30, lives in Fluvanna County, Virginia.ContactThe JeffersoniadArchivesMarch 2002 April 2002 May 2002 June 2002 July 2002 August 2002 September 2002 October 2002 November 2002 December 2002 January 2003 February 2003 March 2003 April 2003 May 2003 June 2003 July 2003 August 2003 September 2003 October 2003 November 2003 December 2003 January 2004 February 2004 March 2004 April 2004 May 2004 June 2004 July 2004 August 2004 September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 April 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009