Tuesday, July 22, 2003

Blair for President!

The UK Guardian has some great advice for Dems (and most of which I can agree with):
Rule one: People listen through their stomachs. The key to the success of any presidential candidate is to convey to voters - in a way they can feel in their gut - that you as a leader know what world they're living in. George Bush Senior lost to Bill Clinton because he failed to convey to voters in their gut that he knew what world they were living in - a world of rising economic insecurity.

Rule two: Never put yourself in a position where you succeed only if your country fails. The Democrats can't just wait for Mr Bush to fail in Iraq, or hope the economy collapses, and assume they will benefit. People want to hear a positive alternative agenda. There can be a hard-nosed Democratic alternative. It is one that would say: "Yes, let's win the war on terrorism, but that requires a multi-pronged approach that addresses all our vulnerabilities, and levels with the American people."

Rule three: Get a candidate people like. I don't know George Bush, and I do not like his domestic policies. But I find him hard to dislike. The "likability factor" is hugely underestimated in politics.

Rule four: Get a candidate who can give a fireside chat. In these confusing times, people crave a leader who can explain why we're doing what we're doing and how it will lead to a better world. That is what the Democrats need. Mr Bush conveys a lot of sincerity, but he lacks the emotional or intellectual depth to really reassure people. I'm convinced that one reason for his high poll ratings is projection. We desperately want to believe that he knows what he is doing, and that he is always acting in the best interests of the nation - and not on naked political considerations - because if he isn't, we're all sunk.
Now here's the kicker. Who is this perfect candidate for 2004?
Right now there is only one Democrat who could live up to all these rules: the British prime minister, Tony Blair. Maybe the Democrats should give him a green card. He's tough on national security, he has an alternative global vision, people like him and he is a beautiful, reassuring speaker. He's Bill Clinton without baggage. I'd say he's a natural.
I'll have to admit, I have been rooting for Tony Blair since day one of the Iraq crisis. Where America has provided the muscle, PM Blair and Foreign Minister Jack Straw have been providing the intellectual arguments for war. If half of the peacemongers could read the speeches given on the floor of Parliament by these two men, all of this "why we went to war" talk would be reduced to sheer nonsense (or, for my British friends, utter r-r-rubbish)!


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