Friday, August 20, 2004

John Kerry Losing His Cool. . .

Swift Boat Veterans for Truth's new book Unfit for Command seems to be having a greater impact on the election than Moore's F-911. In fact, the impact is so great that Kerry has filed a complaint with the FEC that the book is working in collusion with the Bush/Cheney campaign:
The Democratic Party launched a costly round of ads Friday to buttress John Kerry credentials to be commander in chief as the White House accused the Massachusetts senator of "losing his cool" over attacks on his war record.

"John Kerry is a fighter and he doesn't tolerate lies from others," shot back spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter.
Way not to lose your cool there Ms. Cutter!

Wow. . . talk about a campaign in a tailspin. Of course, anyone with a scintilla of common sense is going to recognize the hypocrisy of a Kerry/Edwards base drooling over Fahrenheit 9/11 and zombies.

Of course, it gets much, much better. . .
The unusual late-August maneuvering highlighted the closeness of the race for the White House and came as polls offered the first hint that the questioning of Kerry's medal-winning service in the Vietnam War — allegations that he strongly condemned this week as lies — were taking a political toll.

One poll found that more than half the voters questioned had seen or heard of an ad by Swift Boat Veterans For Truth that accuses Kerry of lying about events that earned him five medals in Vietnam a generation ago. The University of Pennsylvania's National Annenberg Election Survey also found that 44 percent of self-described independent voters found the ad very or somewhat believable.

Separately, a CBS poll found a sharp drop in Kerry's support among both veterans and a smaller erosion among independents since the end of the Democratic Convention.
And there you have the real reason why Kerry is slandering his fellow shipmates; they're believable, and they are speaking the truth. If anything, the amazing counterbalance between the amount being spent on anti-Bush ads and the amount SBVT has spent should strike a chord:
McClellan also accused the Kerry campaign of sanctioning the same type of attack ads by outside groups that it is accusing the president of approving.

"I mean, where has the Kerry campaign been for the last year while more than $62 million in funding through these shadowy groups have been used to negatively attack the president?" he asked. Outside groups funded by Bush's opponents have spent millions on commercials that criticize the president.

The ad that drew Kerry's angry response on Thursday aired in only three states at a cost of well under $1 million.
Zing! So true indeed. . .


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