Friday, November 05, 2004

Dems in Disarray
"(M)ust maintain their intensity; they must not succumb to defeatism"

Paul Krugman of the New York Times is imbibing at the fountain of Kool-Aid the radical left seems to be providing itself post-election. In an incredible twist, the shrill voice of the radical left is not a return to the more moderate Clinton-era policies of the 1990's, but rather the radicals are doing everything possible to stem their own demise and fight on:
One faction of the party is already calling for the Democrats to blur the differences between themselves and the Republicans. Or at least that's what I think Al From of the Democratic Leadership Council means when he says, 'We've got to close the cultural gap.' But that's a losing proposition.

Yes, Democrats need to make it clear that they support personal virtue, that they value fidelity, responsibility, honesty and faith. This shouldn't be a hard case to make: Democrats are as likely as Republicans to be faithful spouses and good parents, and Republicans are as likely as Democrats to be adulterers, gamblers or drug abusers. Massachusetts has the lowest divorce rate in the country; blue states, on average, have lower rates of out-of-wedlock births than red states.

But Democrats are not going to get the support of people whose votes are motivated, above all, by their opposition to abortion and gay rights (and, in the background, opposition to minority rights). All they will do if they try to cater to intolerance is alienate their own base.
So again, more of the same. Fearmongering, peacemongering, and a visceral hatred of those whom the Democratic Party is supposed to champion - the poor, the underprivledged, and the uneducated.

If I have to hear the "redneck" epithet one more time, I'm gonna scream. Not out of frustration mind you, but as a prelude to hysterical laughter. That's a Democratic left that simply doesn't get it, and it will mean years of GOP dominance if the radicals maintain control of the party.

The good news for Virginia Democrats is that there are far more conservative and moderate Democrats than there are radical liberals. The realignment will start in the South for the Democratic Party, with Barack Obama and John Edwards leading the pack.

The era of the '60s liberal is dead, dead, dead. Tuesday was a victory for middle America without question. Just as Dems are trying to realize what must be done, Republicans are starting to realize that the old myth of higher turnout benefiting Democrats is a myth. There really are more Republicans in America than Democrats, and they share some fairly conservative themes.

I could give my thoughts as to what the Dems must do to survive, but I'll refrain. I'm more interested to see which wing of the party wins out over the heart-and-sould of the Democratic Party. Moderates will win in Virginia, but I wonder what happens nationwide. . .


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