Tuesday, November 15, 2005

And the bloodletting begins...

Waldo has already beaten me to the punch, but this is precisely the kind of bloodletting I was afraid of.

Paul Jost prefaces this accordingly (something Waldo was kind enough to omit) and forwarded it to just about everyone in Virginia, ideally to throw back in Ken's face the idea that VCFG is a narrow organization. The Dems knew otherwise, hence the two anti-tax fliers issued against Kilgore and paid for by Kaine.

This is entirely out of character for Ken, almost to the point I would like to think someone else wrote it.

Kilgore was a worthwhile candidate, Ken I still believe is a good campaign manager and a personable guy. All this having been said, the Democrats are just happy as toast to see this kind of stuff bubbling up to the surface. It's amazing - stunning even - to believe Virginia Republicans can have these public fistfights and still retain a majority thanks to Democratic ineptitude.

Victory has a thousand fathers; defeat is always an orphan. And this will either mean war, or it should blow over soon. Given that this is Tuesday, expect the mainstream press to play this one up (as they rightly should).


This type of work product by Jerry Kilgore’s campaign manager may explain why Jerry Kilgore came in 6th last week. Even Leslie Byrne did better than Jerry Kilgore. Fortunately, Bill Bolling and Bob McDonnell had campaign managers that were stable.

Paul Jost, Chairman

Virginia Club for Growth

From: Ken Hutcheson [mailto:ken@jerrykilgore.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2005 2:25 PM
To: Phil Rodokankis
CC: Paul Jost
Subject: Phil's Rodokanakis' Latest Column

November 15, 2005


I read with great amusement your latest "column" on Bacon's Rebellion. Simply put, you are a spineless, gutless coward who is as stupid as he is petty. Do you really think anyone of any relative significance in VA cares what you write? I mean let's face it, you are the epitome of an armchair quarterback with an opinion (which are like a**holes - everyone's got one). Really, what makes you think anyone cares about your opinion in particular?

Where do I begin, there is just too much good stuff to discuss. First, let's take a moment to ponder your "organization" that bestows upon you the fancy title of President. The Virginia Club for Growth - sounds like an impressive organization, but aside from the email list you conveniently ended up with from me after the Allen Campaign in 2000, who are your members? How many dues paying members are there in VA? Just exactly how many people voted you in as President of the VCOG? Did anyone else run for the position? Can you point to me anything that your organization does other than opine on public policy matters? Can you point to me any meaningful accomplishments of the VCOG? And why do the respected National Club for Growth leaders look down on you and think you and the VA Chapter are a joke?

Ok, now let’s review your impressive resume that makes you qualified to judge people like Jerry and me. Name one campaign you have ever managed. Name one race you have ever officially consulted on. In fact, name one race where any candidate paid you for your advice and/or work? Oh wait, I don’t recall any, but to be honest, you have never made an impact or had a significant role in Virginia politics, so I might not know off the top of my head. But, I typically don’t pay much attention to the bottom feeders who look for scraps and constantly 2nd guess those who have a seat at the table. If you aren’t happy in your mediocre job and career, why not whip up the courage to come do what I do on a yearly basis instead of hiding behind a computer keyboard or better yet, run for public office. You have all the answers, surely you could win any race you ran for based upon your principles and then certainly do a better job than the guys who have the guts to put their name on the ballots and stand for election.

Ok, so we have established that you are the “President” of a big email list once owned by me and the Allen campaign and have no real qualifications to offer up competent criticism to anyone out there. Speaking of criticism, let’s take a look at your “expert analysis” of things. You claim in a nutshell that we had no principles and that folks like Bill Bolling and Bob McDonnell did. Ok, fair enough, but then please explain to me why your expert logic does not apply to Dick Black, Brad Marrs, Chris Craddock and Michael Golden? They were all principled candidates to a fault who also lost. Now why on earth would they have lost if they like Bill Bolling and Bob McDonnell ran on principles?

I am sure your cowardly and lazy answer will be that they got swallowed up in the wave caused by the Kilgore defeat. Surely principled candidates such as these would overcome a Kilgore loss at the top of the ticket, especially if Bolling and McDonnell were able to. If that is your misguided belief, so be it, but let me fill you in on a little secret: No one really cares what you think. I am man enough to take the blame for the loss of this campaign though it had nothing to do with the reasons you so intuitively articulated. That said, you were correct in assuming I will be fine moving forward. I have worked my tail off for the last 11 years in this party and will continue to do so, very successfully I might add. My peers and friends are the only ones whose judgment of me matters and I suspect you are in an obscure minority who believe the drivel you write.

Wayne Ozmore, the GOP’s 4th District C.D. Chair and a friend of mine recently sent me a famous Teddy Roosevelt quote (see below—the last line describes you perfectly) that I believe to be very appropriate and fitting for people like you. You see, it’s people like Wayne and myself who actually get out there and roll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty and work the long hours for the cause while folks like yourself and plenty of others like to sit back and type away on your computers and BLOGS, but in reality, each of you is kind of sad and pathetic in your own right. When you build up the same grit under your fingernails that guys like Wayne Ozmore and myself have, come back and we’ll talk, but in the meantime, why don’t you spare everyone your uninformed and laughable babble and try and earn a shred of credibility so that you don’t remain the laughing stock of Virginia.

Bottom line Phil is this: If you were half the man Jerry Kilgore is, you might actually be respected and admired, but you aren’t worthy to even stand in his shadow and you know it.


Ken Hutcheson

P.S. Ignoring you and other nutjobs like Paul Jost was perhaps one of the most rewarding aspects of this campaign. We may have lost in the end, but we did so with our dignity and pride intact and our principles firmly in place and by not selling out to you and your merry band of misfits, I am very much at peace with myself.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." - Theodore Roosevelt


At 11:17 AM, Blogger James Young said...
Because, Mark, the Kaine campaign sleazily used a Club for Growth mailer to attack Kilgore from the right. I don't like the fact that Phil gave him that ammunition, and Kaine's strategy was fairly disgraceful, but it was successful.

I believe that Kilgore's poor showing was a function of many things including, but not limited to, his failure to motivate Republicans and Conservatives disgusted by the unbridgled growth of Virginia's government. Whatever the calculus, the fact that Bolling and McDonnell both out-polled Kilgore in tax-laden Northern Virginia supports this hypothesis.


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