Wednesday, November 16, 2005

"Free Lunch" Republicans vs. "Kamikaze" Democrats

James Young touched on it before I got a chance to fully develop my idea, but he's 100% correct. I'm sick and tired of being called a "free luncher" or "flat earther" every time I stick up for taxpayers' rights, without so much as a courtesy of a recognition of the value of conservative ideas. It's condescending, and it's about time we called out those who use the terms.

The condescension is down and out terrible. Say we're being taxed enough, and (to borrow a term from our Senator George Allen) these whiny liberals typically sniff with a "sounds like another one of the free luncher crowd."

So what's the argument I'm being asked (told) to believe here? That if the government doesn't spend my money, then it's clearly not being put to good use?

Bottom line for Republicans: individuals know what's better for themselves and their families than some bureaucrat at the courthouse, statehouse, or Capitol Hill. What's so vile and evil to liberals about that?

Plenty, because every bit of power you have is power out of the hands of government. The leftist alternative is a socialist fantasy land where the ignorant masses are corralled, jostled, altered, realigned, and engineered until society "works" according to the best wishes of liberal do-gooders. Sounds marvelous, eh?

Want a case in point? Take education. Mention school choice when it comes to your child to a liberal, and their hair falls out. Mention abortion, no problems - its all about choice, baby - but send your kids to a private or parochial school, and you're nothing but a God-forsaken gun-toting, Bible-thumping, no good extremist! It's ridiculous to even approach the issue with some on the left, not to mention a tremendous waste of time. Discussion of the merits isn't the point, it's about power, dammit!

Another case? Transportation. Why not let private companies build roads? We're doing it in Spotsylvania as part of the proffer system, and to date the Southpointe Parkway is working marvelously. The Spotsylvania Parkway is slated to open in the next 30 days. New Post, when approved, will go towards fixing the Massaponax interchange. Yet another private developer proffered the re-routing of Rt. 17. All this without much from VDOT my friends. Yet let the lefties catch a whiff of private investment in roads, and oh no! We're ending the system Byrd built!

Let the illustrations of Democratic invective continue:

Pro-life? Do you even intimate that life might be something sacred? Why, you're a freakin' lunatic!

Arresting judicial activism? You're a racist/homophobe/pig/elitist/fill in the blank!

Second Amendment important to you? What shed do you live in, and does your militia visit every once in awhile?

Tax cuts? Even simply getting rid of regressive taxes? Damn free luncher!

Individualism over social programs? Flat earth moron!

If the image the Democrats want to project is similar to the kamakaze flying into the carrier, by all means proceed. Don't argue the finer subtle points, just *SLAM* throw every invective you *BAM* possibly can *WHACK* in the shortest *BANG* time possible.

The effect is the same. Most conservatives are content to let the invective from the radical liberals go as they are shot to pieces by reason. The goal of course is to flood reason with so much nonsense that something's got to hit. But much like history, it's the last stand of fanatics too short-sighted to see past their nose.

You see, kamikazes - much like modern day Deaniacs and other radical left wing lunatics - are fanatics. They know their empire is dying, so they make that ultimate sacrifice. During the Second World War, it was flying a plane into a carrier. For radical liberals, it's tossing decorum to the wind and conjuring up every disgusting epithet you can create in lieu of decent, honest discussion.

It's classic. But like the Democrats' ideological kamikaze cousins, it's mere bravado in the face of a crumbling reality.

"Crumblying reality!" the Dems might snort, "Vile free luncher! The Democratic Party just held retained our Governor's Mansion, damn flat earther!!!"

  • Nevermind that every liberal in Virginia has to sell themselves as a centrist before they're even close to electable.

  • Nevermind that voters pushed through what has to be the most conservative Lt. Governor and Attorney General in the history of the Commonwealth.

  • Nevermind that the Democrats were 1 for 14 in challenging Republican incumbents in Virginia.

  • Nevermind that Democrats treat elections where they don't lose seats as a Roman triumph.

  • Nevermind that nationally, the Democratic Party can't fundraise, can't motivate their base, and have a split between centrist Democrats and Deaniacs that makes Phil and Ken's recent spat look mild in comparison.

  • All the liberals have left is invective. It's the death rattle of a dying and outmoded ideology.

    Time for the Kamikaze Democrats to be branded as they are. And treated as such.


    At 11:09 AM, Blogger James Young said...
    Great post, Shaun. I'm linking to it.


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