Friday, December 09, 2005

Blogroll (of sorts)

Seems to be all the rage to ID what one considers to be the top blogs in Virginia (and elsewhere - blame NLS).

I guess mine starts with whatever I have on the ol' blog aggregator. Sure there's good blogs and bad, and some I read just by linking (if you're on the ODBA, I check in all the time). The cool thing about blog aggregators is that new posts come in like e-mail, so you can check 20 websites and get five or so new posts from different people. Not too shabby...

So in no order whatsoever, here's my list:

The (not so) Daily Me: Recent addition, but I'm impressed as hell.

CATO Unbound: I think I caught word of this from Norm, but I'm intrigued as to how this is going to turn out. Experimental blogging styles are always interesting to watch, and frankly as a debate format, I like it.

FLS Letters to the Editor: Local paper here in Fredericksburg. Thankfully they have jumped on the RSS bandwagon.

Mason Conservative: The man watches his soaps (WWE for those less cultured), and tells it like it is. Another recent addition to the list, and a good read.

Virginia Centrist: It's always nice to read a Democrat's thoughts who truly lives up to the centrist title... even though VC is still a lefty in my book. Good common sense stuff. What impresses me more is that VC can be convinced on the merits. Much respect for VC, glad he came back to the Virginia blogosphere.

China e-Lobby: D.J. McGuire's long running tabs on the Communist Chinese government. I can't say enough about what a resource this is; a classic case of summarizing the news the MSM doesn't have the time or inclination to do.

QandO: Home of the New Libertarian (for which I owe Jon an article) and probably the most in-tune with my political leanings at the moment. Whatever "neolibertarianism" is becoming, Suarez and Aquinas would approve.

Waldo Jaquith: You and I both know it. Waldo is hands down the best Democrat(ic) blog in Virginia. Disagree with the content all you want, his posts and style often leave the partisan in me going "hey, wait just a damn minute..." then pausing for an adequate response before shuffling off to do something I deem more important at the time... in short, you're doing yourself a great disservice not reading Waldo's blog.

Rick Sincere: Heck, I guess I just read this hoping the RLCVA gets started in earnest!

Not Larry Sabato: Ben Tribbet's little train that could. It's a rumor mill, it's sharp commentary, it's funny, and never quite too full of himself. I've never read anything here that was off too terribly, and he's quick to call out BS. Plus, he nailed the dynamic in the 54th in June, so I can't help but give him credit for a race well called.

PNS News: Short for "Philosophy News Service," this has the potential to be a huge hit. Not very productive as of yet, but I'm sure it'll pick up as the spring semester rolls back into session.

Bacon's Rebellion: If there's one thing cooler than reading Bacon's Rebellion online web magazine, it's reading Bacon's Rebellion in blog form. The best place to instigate some real solutions in Virginia. If conservatives figure out the difference between policy and practice, you will read about it on Jim Bacon's blog first.

CNet News: Yes yes yes, I read all the tekkie news...

Commonwealth Conservative: What could I possibly add to the Godfather of Virginia's conservative blogs? Some might cringe at yet another blog placating itself at the foot of CC, but the "Instapundit of Virginia" title isn't undeserved. Great job Chad.

Commonwealth Watch: My earliest favorite (even before Commonwealth Conservative), I really miss the days when this site was hopping! Poli Amateur seems to keep injecting life into the project. Hope to see it keep coming.

J's Notes: Kenney the Younger as he is now known, Jason was the one who got me started into blogging. I blame him for this, and you should too.

Lew Rockwell: Anti-war, anti-state, anti-everything. Every once in awhile something good comes out of this, but I have very little patience for the Rothbardian anarchist approach to the world. Fanciful, but this old Aristotlean believes otherwise!

One Man's Trash: I gotta play favorites, and Norm over at OMT is my favorite Virginia blog. Norm has a talent for striking at the root and leaving nothing left of a bad argument. More often than not I read and say "hey, that's right! I gotta use that!" Awesome stuff, usually my first read.

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT): Heavy traffic Yahoo list, but I know everything that is going on hours before anyone else.

Sic Semper Tyrannis: If did not exist, I would beg to join this group blog. Not only do I get good politics, I get good ACC stuff too. And just because I can: Go Hoos.

SkepticalObservor: Last but far from least, James Young stomps 'em. When he sets his thoughts to blog (paper? bah...), you know you're in for a treat. Dems don't like it too much, but SkepticalObservor is red meat for Republicans.

That's it!


At 11:11 AM, Blogger Norman Leahy said...
Flattery will get you everywhere.

Now about that Senate bid in '07...


At 1:12 PM, Blogger Dvt guy said...
Much appreciated.

"What impresses me more is that VC can be convinced on the merits."

It's true: I waffle more than John Kerry!


At 7:08 PM, Blogger starrsoft said...


At 10:54 PM, Blogger James Young said...
Just found this, Shaun. 'Teach me to read more frequently. Thanks! I can live with that.


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