Commonwealth Conservative: Repeal the Death Tax
I am absolutely stunned that Democrats justify the death tax by any means possible, with one Virginia Centrist even going so far as to say "it's the most uniquely American Tax that I can think of."
I kid you not.
The inheritance tax is one of the most uniquely un-American taxes, and as a matter of fact was endorsed by none other than Karl Marx.
Hence, as I posted on CC, the inheritance tax (death tax, estate tax, etc.) is really a question of whether or not you think Karl Marx was right.
Or wrong...
Income has always been the best method of taxing the American public, on a gentle progressive scale that enables those least able to afford the siphoning of their incomes (i.e. the poor) to join the middle class and ultimately become self-sufficient.
Anything that harms self-sufficiency and punishes success should be treated with the highest suspicion, IMHO. Consumption taxes are interesting, but to be very honest I'm not sure how well it would work. Very much open to the 201 class explanation though (as I understand what it is, but now precisely it would replace the income tax without being ridiculously high).
If anything, the estate tax gives near-dead people an incentive to send money to private charities (tax free!) so that their massive wealth can be administered efficiently by a private non-profit.
This in turn relieves the need for the bloated welfare state.
You see? God bless the death tax!
As it has done since inheritance taxes have been enforced, right? It's a Marxist principle for a reason...
Better to have families keep the money so as not to use the welfare state at all -- that would be my line of thinking.
The death tax is unnecessary and is a repetitive tax on money and goods that were originally taxed when they came into the hands of the deceased. At what point do you truly own what you've earned? At what point does the government no longer lay claim to what you've worked hard to achieve? Even in the grave they tax us.
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