Tuesday, March 21, 2006

SkepticalObservor: Pull Her Credentials

If you didn't see the agonizing QandA session between President Bush and Helen Thomas today, spare yourself the pain. It was an embarassment, and certainly another notch in the old screed against the MSM and the objectivity of the Fourth Estate.

James Young says it all:
Behavior like this takes her from the realm of even the fig leaf of being a reporter, into the realm of commentator, and the White House should respond accordingly by pulling her credentials. She certainly has the right to her opinions and views, however ill-informed, but she doesn't possess the right to berate the President of the United States.
Agreed. The transcripts really don't do the justice this deserves.

Pull her credentials!


At 8:33 AM, Blogger Kevin said...
Yeah I guess if they don't ask the right questions by lobbing softballs at the President as they have the last 5 years, they should be kicked out.

Of course it's ok if you're Jeff Gannon and have no credentials at all except you're part of a deal to give favorable information.

Down with dissent as long as Republicans hold the power! Right Shaun and James?


At 9:46 AM, Blogger Shaun Kenney said...
That wasn't dissent. That was disrespect.

Embarassing would be a better word.


At 11:04 AM, Blogger James Young said...
Apparently, Kevin is reflexively defending another far-Leftie without realizing that the wizened seasoned citizen (read: euphemism) didn't as a question so much as insert her ill-informed opinions and then attempted to interrupt the President (who demonstrated the patience and courtesy of Job) when he tried to respond.


At 11:31 AM, Blogger Jason Kenney said...
Having heard the exchange live, Ms. Thomas was out of line, interrupting the President during his answering and throwing in personal commentary where it was completely unnecessary. Shaun's right, the transcripts really don't do the exchange justice.


At 11:32 AM, Blogger Kevin said...
Yawn...President Bush has the bully pulpit not Thomas. I don't feel bad for Bush at all. He plays politics and he should know that he will (gasp!) be held accountable for things that his administration has done.

Now I know it's shocking to see people ask the President questions that aren't scripted (like in the phony town halls) because this is like what maybe the 6th or 7th time he has actually held a press conference. Being peppered with questions is what the President should expect. The press doesn't know when it will be deemed worthy enough to receive another chance.

I find his policies embarassing but that's a horse of a different color.


At 11:35 AM, Blogger Kevin said...
"Apparently, Kevin is reflexively defending another far-Leftie without realizing that the wizened seasoned citizen (read: euphemism) didn't as a question so much as insert her ill-informed opinions and then attempted to interrupt the President (who demonstrated the patience and courtesy of Job) when he tried to respond."

Apparently, James is reflexively defending another far-right politician without realizing that the President (read: euphemism) hasn't answered anything candidly in the last 5 years of his administration. Cry me a river!


At 11:43 AM, Blogger Shaun Kenney said...
Kevin, you don't think that Helen Thomas has a responsibility to her profession to at least remain calm and courteous during a QandA session with the president?

If a FOX News journalist did this to President Clinton, would you be as offended?


At 12:08 PM, Blogger Kevin said...
"If a FOX News journalist did this to President Clinton, would you be as offended? "

No...actually I would like a little more verbal confrontations. That way actual ideas are discussed instead of having a canned response. I think the British Parliament would be an apropos example.


At 12:36 PM, Blogger Shaun Kenney said...
So long as it's confined to Parliament (U.S. House?) that's fine.

I do have to say that watching the British Parliament on Wednesday nights is fun stuff. No small wonder why PM Blair is so well-spoken. He has to be!


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