Republitarian: Passing the Smell Test
Republitarian asks the question that all honest minds want to know -- why are liberal bloggers and politicians supporting Webb if he has such a "conservative" streak?
I've long argued that Miller is the real deal in this case, and the one candidate we should look out for as Republicans. Webb, while he has some fanatics around him, will not survive a head-to-head with Senator Allen.
My guess is, Webb was from of the Kilpatrick-Perle piece of the 1980 (and '84) Reaganite coalition: liberal on nearly everything except national security.
Now, to be fair, Mrs. Kilpatrick has moved rightward on other issues over the years, and Perle has for the most part stayed silent on them. Webb, unlike Perle, is a dove on Iraq, so back he goes to the Dems.
One worry for Allen backers: Webb is one of the few folks out there who talked about Communist China's support for terrorism (yeah, I would notice that), although he has been quiet on it this year (and Allen's record on the ChiComs is d*mn good).
My guess is Webb wins the primary, and the resulting $$$ diverted into the race means victory for . . . Rick Santorum.
As for this race . . . ????
My predictive abilities on U.S. races has never, ever, been good.
Who was Kilpatrick in the Reagan Administration?
Oops! That should be Jeane Kirkpatrick (not Kilpatrick).
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