Thursday, April 27, 2006

What Happens if Miller Beats Webb?

It's beyond obvious at this point that most of the Virginia blogosphere (lefties) are supporting former Republican-turned-Democrat James Webb. Even Not Larry Sabato -- once renown for objective political analysis -- is getting into the feeding frenzy.

The problem? Polls are showing Miller to be the stronger candidate.

Now to be objective here, I want to preface what I am about to say with an understanding that Republicans treat blogs in a much different manner than Democrats do. Republicans view blogs as the alternative media. We get our news through our own set of eyes.

Democrats on the whole view blogs in the meme of Howard Dean's primary bid. Blogs are not an alternative form of news and information, but rather a vehicle to motivate like-minded individuals.

So while Republicans instinctively seek authenticity and credible news, Democrats seek for what can't be labeled anything else: dirt. They look for the gold nuggets that can ultimately destroy the opposition, and blogs are an echo chamber for that information.

What is my evidence? Look at the 5th Democratic Congressional race. Look at the contest between Miller and Webb. During the 2004 election, look at the Howard Dean candidacy... what do they share?

Here's the problem though. Blogs are not mainstream. Demographically, only 18-30 year olds pay attention. Outside of that demographic, most are vaguely aware of blogs, but don't pay attention to them.

Now comes the test of credibility. Will the story in August be that the "echo chamber" of the Virginia blogosphere whipped itself into a subjective frenzy? I see it coming...
Harris Miller really should drop out. This momentum is far too much for him to overcome. The train has left the station.
When Miller is polling better against Allen than Webb, when the African-American base is supporting Harris Miller, when serious questions on Webb's defense of Tailhook as a "Navy tradition" begin to emerge, what will the MSM do to blogs?

Excoriate us. And rightly so.

In any event, I've stumbled into Plato's Cave. Let the stones fall where they may.

UPDATE: As an aside, this was done from my cell phone/PDA attachment while I sort things out in Fluvanna... pretty damn cool, eh?


At 1:58 PM, Blogger Riley said...
Either one of them will implode against Allen in Nov.

Now is the time to have fun with the lefties:


At 3:36 PM, Blogger .... said...
Miller is not the stronger canadidite, all polls are w/in the margain of error.


At 5:33 PM, Blogger Shaun Kenney said...
Just like Dean was stronger than Kerry?


At 5:55 PM, Blogger Jason Kenney said...
Shaun, mention Dean to these people and nine times out of ten they'll ask what's the point and why the correlation. The lefty blogs seem oblivious to the paper tiger effect they're caught up in.

The problem is one many blog readers face, they don't realize they're preaching to the choir. They scream "GOOOOO WEBB!" and 80% of their readers scream it back, wow, Webb must be dominating! But you're screaming to the people who already agree with you, that's why they're visiting your site, you're speaking their language. They're fooling themselves into believe that there's momentum when there is none in any real, tangible levels.

Miller is showing a better shot against Allen in polls. Miller is beating Webb on the money front. He IS the front runner no matter what these folks tell themselves, and if they keep ignoring that fact they're going to run into some serious issues come Primary time.


At 11:23 PM, Blogger GOPHokie said...
Someone made the point to me that if blogs determined the winner in a primary, Connaughton would have destroyed Bolling. Petersen probly had the lead within dem blog circles as well. Regardless of who you supported in June 05, its pretty obvious blogs dont necessarily mimic the general party members.
Should be interesting to see how the Miller-Webb race shakes out as well.


At 7:24 AM, Blogger Dvt guy said...
Polls are showing Miller to be the stronger candidate??



At 7:26 AM, Blogger Dvt guy said...
Webb = Dean? What?? Are you people off your meds?

I think Clark is a better analogy...but not really a great one, to be honest...

What world are you people living in? Webb has Jarding/Saunders...he's going to perform above odds in rural areas...


At 10:55 AM, Blogger Shaun Kenney said...
Tailhooking Webb?



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