Sunday, June 18, 2006

Libs' new strategy: Assault 7 year old

True item:
That was the day that 10 of these thug-kins grabbed David Parker's 7 year old son, dragged him behind the corner of the school, well out of sight from the school officials, and proceeded to punch him in the groin, stomach, and chest, before he dropped to the ground when they then kicked and stomped on him. Several of the alleged thug-kins were children of the adults who had been protesting Parker, several of them - not even in the same class as Parker's child. It also needs to be pointed out that May 17 was a targeted date because that is the anniversary of changing the marriage definitions in the state of Massachusetts to include homosexual unions. Emotions among many activists were running very high on this day.

The school district 'investigated' and did determine that the attack was pre-meditated. Shockingly they decided no punishment necessary for the 10 thug-kins who were serving as political hit men for the activists in Lexington.

All of this happening because one father wished to reserve the right to teach his own family's faith-based views on sexuality.
Naturally, my problem with this isn't the position of the perpetrators' parents or the position of the seven-year old who was brutally attacked.

My problem with this is that (a) it happened and (b) no one in the major media felt in newsworthy, and (c) our lack of attention to such events makes future attacks and reprisals possible through silence.

If the roles were reversed, would it be news?


At 1:18 PM, Blogger Megan said...
Hey Shaun, ask Katie O- G. if she'll do a live blog with you....

you're credible.


At 4:17 PM, Blogger Robert said...
This is absolutely atrocious. Even worse is the total absence of coverage by the "mainstream" media.


At 11:40 PM, Blogger Rick Sincere said...
This is a story that could have benefited from some fact-checking, as Michael Shear recommended at the Virginia bloggers' summit yesterday. The facts do not lend themselves to hysteria.

Here's a correction as related by Lexington CARES, a local organization far closer to the situation than

<< Staff and parents at Estabrook School have related the following account of what happened on May 17.

A classmate, who is a friend of Mr. Parker's son, was mad at him because he sat in someone else's seat at lunch. At recess, the boy went over and started punching him. Other children stood around and watched. The playground aide noticed a cluster of children and headed over. She was met half way by a girl who ran to get help. The aide soon arrived and broke up the fight between these two 7-year-olds. Mr. Parker's son indicated to the aide that he was not hurt and that he did not want to go to the nurse.

The classmate who started the fight was brought into the assistant principal's office to write a "think sheet". He had to write down what he did wrong, what he could have done differently and how he could make it up to his friend. He also missed two recesses and wrote an apology to Mr. Parker's son. Mr. Parker's son wrote back "that's OK. You can still be my friend."

That afternoon the teacher discussed the issue with the entire class using the Open Circle format. At that time both boys had their arms around each other and were friends again. The teacher called both sets of parents and everyone seemed to be satisfied with the outcome.

Mr. Parker's son subsequently went to the other boy's house for a play date. The Parkers never contacted anyone at the school including the principal, assistant principal, nurse or teacher to say their son had been injured or that they were dissatisfied with how things had been handled. They also never contacted the school superintendent or the police to say their son had been "assaulted". >>

This was posted at


At 12:45 AM, Blogger Shaun Kenney said...

See -- what we talked about in the "Ethics and Journalism" seminar: the editorial process for blogs occuring in the comments section.

Good stuff.


At 9:24 AM, Blogger Jason Kenney said...
But does it warrant a "correction" on the original post as to not mislead visitors unfamiliar with how blogs work and comments?

I missed the whole thing so I don't know if that was covered.


At 1:46 PM, Blogger Shaun Kenney said...
Oh I agree with you 100%... my problem is that it wasn't covered (and as Rick cleared up, politics had little to do with it).

The title was from the original news article. Sorry about giving the wrong impression...

Again, discourse.


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