Sunday, June 11, 2006

Virginia Blog Carnival!

It's that time again! The day before the Democratic Primary between former Secretary of the Navy James Webb and longtime Democrat and businessman Harris Miller, for whose sake I will firmly not mention either candidate this Monday morning.

For those unfamiliar with the Virginia Blog Carnival, this is the best of the best for the week from the up-and-coming all the way to the long established bloggers. It is non-partisan, and it doesn't even have to be political. For those interested in hosting in the future, shoot an e-mail to Chad Dotson over at Commonwealth Conservative at jbehan -at-

Now onto the Virginia Blog Carnival!

Just a Few Questions
by Rocinante's Burdens (Roci)
What's on Roci's mind? Well, find out!

Strange Bedfellows
by Leslie Carbone (Leslie Carbone)
When the Christian Coalition and join forces, you know it's gotta be a good post -- Leslie on net neutrality.

Seventeen Years Later
by Below the Beltway (Doug Mataconis)
Remembering Tiananmen Square, Doug leads us back to an excellent article on the massacre no one seems to remember...

Blog Readers in Virginia
by Spark It Up! (Kilo)
How many people read blogs in Virginia? Kilo has the stats (and we have some advertising space to sell you).

Cheap Passion and Celebrity Worship
by SLANTblog (F. T. Rea)
If you aren't reading SLANTblog, you are unnecessarily punishing your mind. This post encourages bloggers to get out from the echo-chamber and start posting on stuff that's worthwhile! A manifesto if I have ever read one, and an excellent read.

Waiting For the Crash...
by Bacon's Rebellion (Jim Bacon)
Another must-read blog, Jim Bacon goes over the current free-fall in the housing market and asks some great questions (with pics).

The Ugly Columnist Returns
by One Man's Trash (Norm Leahy)
Yes, another must read, Norm Leahy lays it into "Good Copy" Schapiro. Heh.

Blog Summit Registration Closes!
by Waldo Jaquith (Waldo Jaquith)
Waldo announces the tally -- 88 attendees and a great line up of speakers. Sorenson is looking to be a great kickoff to a series of great Virginia blogger conferences.

20 Things Everyone Should Know
by J's Notes (Jason Kenney)
Kenney the Younger informs us of what being a civilized human being is all about. Of course, it begs the question as to how many of these things he can actually do...

White House Watch
by China-e-Lobby (D.J. McGuire)
D.J. McGuire is the voice of the Chinese dissident community in America. Brilliant fellow, and he has registered several thoughts about whom the next Republican candidate for President could be.

What Big Boys Don't Publish
by Republitarian (Myron Rhodes)
The Sage of Harrisonburg reflects on what is appropriate and inappropriate speech. Pay heed and obey!

Married to Earmarks
by Jefferson Mammoth (nickfinity)
Congressman Rick Boucher got married last weekend, but you already sent him a present.

by Virginia Centrist (Paul Anderson)
VC tips us off to the best polls in the world; bookies and the oddsmakers! Too bad we don't have one for the Democratic Primary...

The Left Controls the Blogosphere
by Bearing Drift (J.R. Hoeft)
J.R. takes on the Daily Kos, and brings up some interesting points on the righty vs. lefty blogosphere. Sort of reminds me of the setup to Gangs of New York.

What's a Social Conservative?
by Too Conservative (Vince Harris)
Vince wonders what a social conservative is...

This is a Social Conservative!
by Two Conservatives (Charles)
...and Charles graciously answers the question.

Does This Government Agency Make My Budget Look Fat?
by Virginia Virtucon (Jim Riley)
This blog rocks. Jim Riley takes a look at some of the things Congress has to explicitly tell Homeland Security not to spend money on.

Speaker Pelosi?
by Save the GOP (Andrew)
Ben Stein warns of what may very well become reality, unless the GOP proposes a new Contract with America. That vision thing...

Le Gusta Pat’s
by novatownhall (Singleton)
Want a Philly Cheese Steak at Pat's? Better ask in English, or ask Singleton to bring you one back from Philly.

Farewell, Tom Delay
by Mason Conservative (cbeer)
Mason Conservative takes a look at the Delay legacy in the U.S. House of Representatives. My question: will the Hammer be more effective on K Street than in Congress? We'll see.

"We Will Beat Them With Our Tanks And Our Shoes!"
by Jaded JD (Jaded JD)
Okay, so I'm breaking my promise not to mention the Democratic Primary, but anything involving the former Iraqi Information Minister has gotta be good (even if it's taking a swipe at fellow Republicans)!

Encouraging News for Abolitionists in Virginia
by Virginia Progressive (Howling Latina)
A lengthy post mental retardation and the death penalty in Virginia, this in the wake of Percy Walton's stayed execution earlier last week.

Bloggers United in Martinsville!
by ImNotEmeril (I'm Not Emeril)
I wrote earlier this week about "un-conferences" and it seems as if the Martinsville Bloggers' Conference was one step ahead of me!

The Only Good Terrorist is a Dead Terrorist
by SkepticalObservor (James Young)
Finally, James Young celebrates the death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi -- good riddance. While it may not win the War on Terror, it certainly sends a message: if you kill innocents, your remaining days will indeed be nasty, brutish, and utterly short -- courtesy of the United States Armed Forces.

That's it! Hope everyone enjoys the VBC!


At 2:03 PM, Blogger Roci said...

BTW, Why am I on top? Not complaining, just wondering if it is because you like me best.

If so, i'll try to send a better effort next time.


At 2:07 PM, Blogger Shaun Kenney said...
It's because I like you best.

... or more accurately, you were the first one who sent a VBC submission in. :)


At 7:21 PM, Blogger D.J. McGuire said...
(deep red blush)

Thanks, Shaun.


At 1:40 PM, Blogger F.T. Rea said...
Thanks for including my rant.


At 1:50 PM, Blogger Shaun Kenney said...
It was a good rant! Some bloggers should staple it to their foreheads.


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JEFFERSONIAD POLL: Whom do you support for Virginia Attorney General?

1) John Brownlee
2) Ken Cuccinelli

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About is one of Virginia's oldest political blogs, focusing on the role of religion and politics in public life. Shaun Kenney, 30, lives in Fluvanna County, Virginia.


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