Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Waldo Jaquith: Webb vs. Miller

If you are a Democrat and truly undecided at this point, then Waldo's post on the strengths and weaknesses of each is about the best analysis you're going to get.

The implications for the Democratic blogosphere are immense. If Webb wins, it's a victory. If Miller wins, it's an utter disaster.

For some reason, I see this as more of a referendum on the Webb blogs than anything else (insofar as blogs go). They have pushed every chip to the center of the table with some of the most outrageous commentary you could possibly find. Miller has run a great campaign, made few mistakes, and pushed a lot of money into the race -- every reason why I was afraid Miller would be the stronger candidate.

My concerns if Webb wins? It will be a nasty, brutish campaign where Virginia Republicans will learn to take the gloves off. It will be polarizing and nasty, mark my words. Huge for the GOP, but it will change the climate in Virginia for years to come, and perhaps irreversably so. It's a shame James Webb has been hamstrung by an inept and utterly incompetent campaign. I respect James Webb, but I have nothing but contempt for those who pushed the "Miller the Job Killer" comic. It's trash, and I suspect Webb knows it.

My concerns if Miller wins? He'll show well (lose, but show well) against Allen and weaken his presidential bid, Miller will self-finance which means the DCCC will push more money into other races nationwide, and based on how well-run the campaign has been Miller will coincide nicely with Mark Warner's bid for president.

Should be an interesting day.


At 12:20 PM, Blogger Shaun Kenney said...
I think we might be victims of the "echo-chamber" effect.

I can think of only two pro-Miller blogs at the moment -- the rest on the left (and the one's we usually trade shots with) are all for Webb.

We'll see in about seven to eight hours.


At 1:13 PM, Blogger Riley said...
But if Miller wins and self-finances, that kicks in the millionaires amendment to the campaign finance law and raises Allen's contribution limit from $2,100 per person up as high as $12,600 per person.


At 1:37 PM, Blogger Shaun Kenney said...
They don't have to outspend Allen, they just have to make him spend.

After all, North outspent Robb, Kilgore outspent Kaine. Miller can get enough money to get the message out -- if Webb is counting on the DCCC to do his heavy lifting, he's toast early.

You just need enough money to get the message out. $10 mil?


At 2:14 PM, Blogger Kevin said...
"It will be a nasty, brutish campaign where Virginia Republicans will learn to take the gloves off."

Now Republicans will take the gloves off? I think I remember some bare hands last year. Need a reminder...two words: Hitler ads.


At 2:16 PM, Blogger Kevin said...
On your point about the Webb blogs, I agree with you. I'm not as fervent because I believe in supporting my candidate without being too vitrolic. I voted for Webb. I want Webb to win. But I'm not going to burn other people to have that happen.


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