Thursday, July 20, 2006


Courtesy of Matt Lewis:
The conscience of the Conservative is pricked by anyone who would debase the dignity of the individual human being. Today, therefore, he is at odds with dictators who rule by terror, and equally with those gentler collectivists who ask our premission to play God with the human race.
Who said this?

Barry Goldwater, in Conscience of a Conservative.

Now in this entire discussion on embryonic stem cell research, what is lost here is the following: This is not a discussion on whether it should be conducted (odious as it is). What is being discussed, debated, and vetoed is the public funding for such research.

In that light, Republicans are entirely on the right side of this issue regardless of one's beliefs on embryos as human beings. The Democrats are just playing the same old spiel of imposing big government on America. 100 years ago, would these same Democrats have been in favor of phrenology clinics? Eugenics clinics?

Fact of the matter is not only have stem cells still not been practically used, there is little evidence that one must use embryos as a source while other options remain (fat cells for instance). Before stepping in and mandating the short-track, isn't it better to allow the scientific community to decide for itself the best, most scientific, and most ethical options before throwing the imprimatur of big government behind it?

It's amazing what people will do in the name of scientific progress, isn't it?


At 2:17 PM, Blogger Shaun Kenney said...
Fact is, this has little to do with stem-cell research.

This has everything to do with destroying embryos.


At 3:05 PM, Blogger Kevin said...
The private sector in this country has no incentive to do so. They get lucrative tax breaks and copyright benefits for trying out new ideas. Do you think the federal government under this administration is going to allow them to get those tax breaks with embryonic stem cells? I don't think so.

"This has everything to do with destroying embryos."

Will you be adopting any of the soon to be discarded embryos? Discarding the embryos is what happens whether you like it or not. Awful hyperbole Shaun.

You could ask those couple politely not make so many embryos but they probably aren't as lucky as you in the creating department.

YOU are in the wrong on this and history will bear that out.


At 4:19 PM, Blogger Shaun Kenney said...
The private sector in this country has no incentive to do so.

Because there is no market for it -- unless of course the government steps in and creates the market.


At 4:20 PM, Blogger Shaun Kenney said...
Oh wait, that's right, this is the government! Failure is to be funded as much as possible. That is the one sure way to get lots of government money, to produce no measurable results. That's why welfare is still around. That's why the government has had no new policy for the Indians in how long. That's why entitlement programs exist. If it fails, it's funded.

Art Kenney on government -- if that's not a quote, I don't know what is!!!


At 5:27 PM, Blogger Jason Kenney said...
He's teaching the wrong field.


At 6:33 PM, Blogger Kevin said...
"Given that the old lines have had no successes, why should the government allow further funding for expanded studies?"

Yeah, how many lines were actually usable...20? Experiments as touchy as stem cell research need more than 20 usable lines. Research takes time. We've been doing research on this for how long...10 years maybe?

You're right Rome was created in a day. I wish I had some of your magic fairy dust Art. We could solve the whole Middle East crisis, find the cure for AIDS, and my corn flakes will not get soggy after 2 minutes with your expectations!

"Oh wait, that's right, this is the government! Failure is to be funded as much as possible. That is the one sure way to get lots of government money, to produce no measurable results."

You forgot the military.

Now before you go and say liberals hate the military based on this quote, realize I just wanted to point out how stupid that statement was.


At 7:13 PM, Blogger Shaun Kenney said...
Humor never translates well to text (thought I'm trying really hard to see the humor in criticizing our soldiers in the military)...

Fact of the matter is, if there were something to be gained here scientifically (or financially, as there is no doubt such successes in stem cell research would be lucrative), private industry would have already invested billions.

They haven't.

The bottom line is that Democrats have turned this into more than a scientific funding question, rather it is a question of whether or not inconvenient question of embryos in the lab can be destroyed -- when the question is only that of whether government should invest in scientific research the private sector has definitively shown little interest in (for scientific reasons).


At 8:30 PM, Blogger Mike said...
Will you be adopting any of the soon to be discarded embryos? Discarding the embryos is what happens whether you like it or not. Awful hyperbole Shaun.

**Ahem** Speaking of hyperbole ...

Murder is murder, no matter how you cut it. Those "embryos" are REAL human beings! Being a man, I am completely incapable of "adopting" an embryo, but I have friends who are seriously considering it.

To defend the destruction of innocent human life is barbairc and monstrous!


At 9:15 PM, Blogger Kevin said...
"Humor never translates well to text (thought I'm trying really hard to see the humor in criticizing our soldiers in the military)..."

No. Humor never translates well for you Shaun.

I'll explain monosyllabically if I have to for you to understand. He said government funds failure hence that means he thinks the military is a failure.

I could have said the FDA, the Department of Education or the ATF but it doesn't have the same effect as the military for Republicans such as yourself and Art. It was in no way a slight against the military as I have plenty of people who I know that are serving in the military.

Get a humor transplant Shaun. You need it.

"Murder is murder, no matter how you cut it. Those "embryos" are REAL human beings! Being a man, I am completely incapable of "adopting" an embryo, but I have friends who are seriously considering it."

Sure you can adopt a embryo just take some money, go to the clinic, and select an embryo. Maybe you can visit it on the weekend. Take it a couple of toys. Carry it around in a stroller. Maybe they'll let you take to the park so you can play catch with it. The possibilities are absolutely endless! Just one question: What are you going to name it? What if you name it a girl and it was supposed to be a boy? Do you think that will lead to identity issues?

Back to being serious for a minute (Shaun just to let you know that was humor above.)

In the case of new technologies, almost all want to be taken on by competing companies. Here's the thing. Companies generally want someone else to fail so they don't have to invest the time, money, and infrastructure on going in the wrong direction. This includes medical research. Do you think Bill Gates or Steve Jobs didn't see the pitfalls of other's mistakes? People and businesses wait to see trends. It's less of a risk. They see where others make their mistakes and then they jump in. It's a simple business tactic.


At 9:16 PM, Blogger Kevin said...
"What is the justification for ending a life possibly save another?"

Did you think it was right to drop the atomic bomb on Nagasaki and Hiroshima?


At 9:22 PM, Blogger Shaun Kenney said...
No. Humor never translates well for you Shaun.

I'll explain monosyllabically if I have to

Ooooooo... you gonna call me out at the playground after school next, Kev?

Just because your position is indefensible doesn't mean you have to get all hot and bothered. Heh.


At 9:23 PM, Blogger Kevin said...
"What is the justification for ending a life possibly save another?"

Back to this question in all seriousness. First of all, it's a possible life. It takes a lot of those embryos going in there to make a living being. Why do you think they make so many?

Secondly, as I've pointed out. They're going to be in the flotsam of biowaste anyways unless Mike here wants to adopt them all. Maybe there's a church group that will adopt them. Get those collection plates going.

Now, if you were to make the argument that this can lead us down the path of possible bioengineering babies, I see that point. It does give me pause. That's one of the questions I do have.

"Especially when the alternative (read non-emryonic) stem cells are more readily available and seemingly better."

We should try all options that could save actual humans.


At 9:28 PM, Blogger Kevin said...
"Just because your position is indefensible doesn't mean you have to get all hot and bothered. Heh. "

Whatever. I'm not hot and bothered. It doesn't change the fact that you don't have a humorous bone in your body. I don't mind mixing it up but I have to say that Art makes a helluva a more compelling case than you do. It's probably because you are anti-life.


At 9:31 PM, Blogger Shaun Kenney said...
Suit yourself.


At 1:29 PM, Blogger Dvt guy said...
Personally, I'm all about destroying embryos! the more the merrier, I say.

In fact, I only support federal funding for stem cell research because it amuses me when people fight over worthless embryos.


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