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Wednesday, August 16, 2006Allen Apologizes; Webb Refuses?Lest I be haunted by a former ghost: Republicans and Democrats need to be especially aware whenever the old hatreds of past generations seep into today's politics. It's intolerable, and a sin against the public square.I wrote this in June 2006, shortly before the now-infamous comic of former Democratic candidate Harris Miller came to the fore from the Webb for Senate campaign. Folks, there is no good explanation here. I know what a "makakah" is and it doesn't mean "mohawk". It's a derogatory word used by Arabs to describe Africans. There is no good context, there is no good explanation for the use of the word other than pure ignorance. For review: (1) This is not a case of silliness. (2) This is not a manufactured controversy. (3) No, the fact that the fella may have had a mohawk in the past doesn't make "mohawk" sound like "makakah". (4) This is not a mere case of a harassed politician venting. (5) Nor can this be dismissed as a statement that sounds like a racial slur, but wasn't. (6) Nor is Dick Waddhams an idiot. (7) Most certainly, George Allen is not a Klansman as a result (sorry James...) (8) And no... this is not some sort of subconscious reach from the senator's youth. Let us all agree here and now -- this was an insensitive comment made by an otherwise brilliant politician. Many items come to mind. Firstly, one can't help but draw the comparison to Senator Allen and gentleman he epitomizes, Thomas Jefferson. The Jeffersonian Conservative ideal isn't just a catchy phrase used to win elections. Allen believes in it, as passionately as many Virginians do. It's a genuine third way, rooted in principles many Americans have forgotten. Jefferson is revered as one of our greatest Founding Fathers, and yet like Jefferson, the junior senator from Virginia is rooted in the past. Has anyone quite forgiven the gentleman who wrote the Virginia Statute on Religious Freedom and the Declaration of Independence as a slaveowner? Certainly that is far worse than any offense Allen (or his competitor, Jim Webb) has offered in speech and print, yes? So in the face of such a comment, what has Senator Allen done? Something his predecessor Thomas Jefferson never had the chance to do. Apologize. "I would never want to demean him as an individual. I do apologize if he's offended by that. That was no way the point."Yet this cannot pass without a contrast to Democrat Jim Webb's gaffe when he attacked Harris Miller. yet what was Jim Webb's response to his anti-Semitic comic? "Harris hasn't apologized for distorting my views on affirmative action, I'd kind of like to hear that."So now you have it. Both Senate candidates have made gaffes such as these during this election. Allen had the character to apologize. Webb has yet to apologize. Friends, that tells me all I need to know.
JEFFERSONIAD POLL: Whom do you support for Virginia Attorney General?1) John Brownlee2) Ken Cuccinelli AboutShaunKenney.com is one of Virginia's oldest political blogs, focusing on the role of religion and politics in public life. Shaun Kenney, 30, lives in Fluvanna County, Virginia.ContactThe JeffersoniadArchivesMarch 2002 April 2002 May 2002 June 2002 July 2002 August 2002 September 2002 October 2002 November 2002 December 2002 January 2003 February 2003 March 2003 April 2003 May 2003 June 2003 July 2003 August 2003 September 2003 October 2003 November 2003 December 2003 January 2004 February 2004 March 2004 April 2004 May 2004 June 2004 July 2004 August 2004 September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 April 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009
Only Republicans like Trent Lott resign from important posts, over any incident involving "race".
What I wonder is how George even came up with this word. I think it's far more likely that --- given the mispronunciation (wouldn't Mrs. Allen the Elder have pronounced it correctly?) --- it might be the name that this young man gave to the campaign. Who knows? It might even have come from a more sophisticated/worldly-wise staffer who KNEW it (pronounced correctly) was a racial slur, thought he or she had made a self-satisfying "funny" that no one recognized, and it simply grew legs (if so, and I were George, I'd fire the person). No proof, mind you. But I have a sneaking suspicion that this could have been a huge setup, and George was simply a little foolish --- nay, "silly" --- for taking the bait.
That's the tactical analysis, anyway.
All that said, you're right, at least Allen was the bigger man and apologized for the offense. Webb dodged it. So what do you want for a Senator? One man enough to apologize when he makes a mistake or one who simply tries to refocus the blame?
The fact that a particular 3 syllables happens to be the proper name for a genus of monkey (not even a black monkey has some have said), and that the 2-syllable common name for a member of that genus was appropriated by the french as a racial slur (and apparently, from Shaun, also an ARAB-language slur) is highly likely to have been simple coincidence, notwithstanding that Allen's mother spoke french.
By all reports the man was NOT offended until after the Webb camp reviewed the tape to find something they could use against him and came up with this. His offense was therefore contrived, after-the-fact, and given he was a campaign operative for the opponent was a crass political ploy that normally would be ignored by the media, but in this case was made into a 2-day story.
Here's something that was a bit racist about the whole thing. We all know the guy is a "person of color". But the democrats felt it was VERY IMPORTANT to explain that the guy was ALSO a really smart guy who might even be going to law school -- as if that would surprise people, or makes the supposed offense even worse because he wasn't a "typical black", whatever that means to democrats who were pointing out how great this particular kid was.
Of course, that's just a minor quibble, like all of this is -- it shows how easy it is to "find offense" if you are looking for it. That's why you only get these charges against republicans, because people are very easily offended but only the democrats are allowed to use it as a political ploy.
My referenced post was just about how, as part of this contrived controversy, the democrats were lying about the guy having a mohawk in order to call Wadhams a liar for saying the guy had a mohawk.
When the people raising a controversy are caught in lies and silly statements like "inside the beltway is a racial slur", it puts a more rational light on thier claims of supposed "offense" at Allen not knowing the guy's name and making up something that turned out to be inappropriate.
Everything the democrats have said proves they are hyper-sensitive, looking for any offense they can find to be upset about. The complaints about "real america" were just another case, as were the rediculous "Allen singled him out because he was the only non-white guy in the crowd" stuff.
It was statements like THAT that drove us Allen supporters to his defense. If the Webb team had complained about Allen making fun of the guy's name, we would have been right there, as we were in that regard calling for an apology.
Which Webb still owes Allen for making fun of HIS name, but like Ted Kennedy said to Mary Jo, I wouldn't hold your breath.
And also, Joe Biden said something racist. And also, Byrd said something racist.
As long as these people continue to inhabit the earth and are not forcibly placed in a rocket ship and sent into the sun by a hoard of liberals, George Allen can do anything he wants.
lontlont - Apparent scrambling how?
Again, you all are making some grand assumptions and giant leaps of logic here.
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