Saturday, August 05, 2006

'Hezbollah aren't suckers, they know how to fight.'

The entire Israeli-Hezbollah conflict summed up:
"It’s a lose-lose situation," said one. "They’re a bunch of terrorists. We are an army. We can never beat them completely because we have to obey certain rules. They operate from within civilian populations, and can do whatever they like. They don’t give a shit about these things."

"So it doesn’t matter if we are there for another couple of days or two weeks. But what is very important is that this is a just war on our part. Because they are a bunch of f***ing terrorists."
How succinct, if not utterly correct.


At 8:45 AM, Blogger Charles said...
My Potomac News column got delayed a week at the paper (an innocent mistake on their part), it will run next wednesday.

It is about the war, and my opinion that an army can't fight a terrorist, we need to fight nations, and hold them responsible for what people in their own borders do.


At 9:56 AM, Blogger James Atticus Bowden said...
An Army can clear out the territory so no rockets are in range of the homeland. You can keep that territory clear by a number of means with many costs and benefits. The ultimate way to clear out the territory is called a "Mongolian Peace".


At 5:26 PM, Blogger Shaun Kenney said...
You know, it's no small wonder as to why there are no Christian terrorist organizations operating in places like Israel, Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, etc. where the Islamic population is terrorized.

Different principles at stake?


At 12:08 AM, Blogger James Atticus Bowden said...
In Lebanon there were Christian militias. One group, Druzes, committed atrocities in 82. Now, there is supposed to be a National Army, but, apparently it isn't much of an Army.

In Syria, Turkey and Iraq there is no tolerance for a Christian militia, let alone a terrorist group. Check out the persecution of Christians in those countries.

To hear one Christian Lebanese view google the American Congress for Truth to hear Tidewater's courageous Brigette Garbriel's story.


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