Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Hizbullah leader calls on Haifa's Arab residents to leave

Hezbollah is asking the Arab residents of Haifa to vacate the city.

Historically, Haifa was one of the few cities in Israel the Arabs did not leave during the 1948 War for Independence. Consequently, it has one of the largest Arab populations within the State of Israel and shares much in character with towns such as Nazareth and Bethlehem in this regard.

Question: What is the deterrent against Hezbollah that prevents them from using WMD?


At 3:59 PM, Blogger Roci said...
The only deterrent they have ever had: availability.

Any weapon they get, they will use.


At 5:03 PM, Blogger Mike said...
Yeah ... but not on their own people. Islam may be a war-based religion (Allah is derived from the pagan god Allahi, who was a god of war in the region when Muhammad invented his Islam).

If Hizbullah is able to evacuate muslims from Haifa, I'm sure the city will start glowing in the dark.


At 12:48 PM, Blogger Riley said...
Since the Hezbos are linked to Iran and Iran is developing / has developed nukes and the Iranian President has set Aug. 22 as the date he will issue his response to the world's demands that they abandon their pursuit of nukes, this call to evacuate can't be good.

Fasten your seatbelts.....


At 11:18 PM, Blogger Riley said...
You see what Drudge has on about Mike Wallace?

PITBULL JOURNALIST GOES SOFT ON IRANIAN MADMAN: 88-year-old CBS journalist Mike Wallace says Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a 'reasonable' man on Sean Hannity's ABC radio program... Points out Ahmadinejad not anti-Jewish... just anti-Zionist state. Says many Jews in Iranian Parliament, in great positions in Iranian life... Believes Ahmadinejad sincere in his hope for peaceful coexistence between Iran and West... Troubled by comparisons of leader to Hitler... Marvels at Ahmadinejad's civil engineering degree, 'intellect', 'savvy'... Asks viewers not to bring 'prejudices' to Sunday night '60 MINUTES' broadcast... Proclaims 'discussion' was sincere and not for propaganda purposes... Developing...


At 10:09 AM, Blogger Mike said...
To be honest, I wouldn't expect Mike Wallace to say anything like, "Ahmadinejad is a frothing-at-the-mouth lunatic who babbles incoherently about the voices in his head while frantically stomping on invisible smurfs who are trying to impregnate his goats."

I mean, the guy IS the leader of a sovereign nation, whether we like him, his nation, or his rants or not.

Is he a fanatic who believes that the 12th Imam is going to bring about Armagheddon once he pushes the "Zionist Presence" out of the Middle East? Sure. But does that belief make him any more crazy than George Bush claiming that "God told him to attack Afghanistan and invade Iraq"? Sure, Bush doesn't scream and spit into a microphone in order to rally support ... that isn't his style and that isn't effective in our culture, either (see Democrat conventions 2000 and 2004). It IS, however, effective in his culture.

Ahmadinejad isn't crazy. He's dangerous, but not crazy.


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