How's about the E-word?
As in enough, so says Vivian Paige:Over the last few days, I’ve seen numerous postings about these two words. I think I have seen the actual N-word written more times in the last few days than I have seen in years. And I wince every time I read it.
Racial slurs are racial slurs and nothing is accomplished by continuing to use the terms. Show some sensitivity, folks. Amen.
Letting someone "hurt" you with words gives them power over you they don't deserve.
I got called my share of names in my life, but I choose to own my own esteem, not give it to people who seek to do me harm.
I agree we should stop saying the names if they are offensive, and I know you at least have been consistant in NOT saying either word, unlike most of the pro-webb people who seemed to delight in repeating the "m-word" again and again as if it wasn't REALLY a bad word but just something they made up to cause trouble.
I'm just saying that people need to be taught to own their own esteem, to chart their own course, to look inward, not outward, for approval.
And your response was meaningless. Words don't hurt unless you let them hurt you. Physical attacks hurt. Threats of physical violence hurt.
But some idiot calling me a name? give me a break.
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me".
That's a quote to, but I'm not sure who said it first. I just know that there was a time we ran a society by that motto, before the pansies took a generation and convinced them they were powerless to control their own destiny.
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