Friday, August 18, 2006

James Martin Throws Out the Excuses, Calls Webb a Racist

I'm so glad James Martin and I can agree on the broader topics of racism and "bigatry", especially when it comes to politicians who use race for political gain:
Allen ... doesnt deserve to be in the US Senate. Those who would defend his actions only defend hatred and bigatry. Disgusting.
I wonder then what Martin and others would say about pre-meditated acts of racism, as evidenced by the Virginia Pilot's June 10th article on the anti-Semitic Webb flyer?
The Webb flier, which Webb acknowledged seeing before its distribution, apparently was intended to rally support among union members. It includes a caricature of Miller holding an oversize cigar and with greenbacks bulging from a suit pocket, along with text repeating union charges that he was "the anti-Christ of outsourcing" as a lobbyist for telecommunications companies.
Webb has yet to apologize to the Jewish community for his actions.

Question of the day: This isn't the first time Webb's campaign has used race to drive a wedge between voters. First with African-Americans supporting Miller, then against Miller himself for being Jewish. Now we have Webb staffers dancing around the flames of the "macaca" incident.

What is this fascination with race inside the Webb campaign?

Lest I be seen as being flip or sidestepping other issues here, this is the third time Webb's campaign has used race as a campaign issue... it's a troubling development coming from a gentleman whose advocacy of the Confederacy-as-heritage was his claim to fame post-Reagan administration.


At 10:55 AM, Blogger .... said...
A) The flyer was idiotic, but not anti-Semitic. But the campaign and Mr. Webb (who never saw the cartoon) apologized anyway.

B) Allen called a kid a N***** while Webb never even saw that cartoon. You could make the argument that if you believe the cartoon is anti-Semitic that whoever wrote and sent it out is a racist, but you cant that Mr. Webb is (BTW, the Webb campaign immediately fired the person responsible.)

C) Your freaking now that Allen leads within the margin of error.

D) Allen has yet to apologize to Sidarth, something Sidarth has pointed out on a number of occasions. He was the one called a N***** (In French, which allen speaks) and he was the one who was told he cant possibly be from America because hes not white.

You have to admit, there’s a difference between apologizing to the individual and apologizing to Michael Shear at the Washington Post.


At 11:03 AM, Blogger Shaun Kenney said...
I'm sorry, but if you don't have the courage to say Webb's flyer was anti-Semitic, then no one can possibly take you seriously on the Allen incident.


At 11:04 AM, Blogger Jason Kenney said...
James, again, you are making a huge leap in logic by saying that since Allen's mother taught him French she also taught him how to hate in French. You're assuming a lot here when it's entirely more logical that the man made a word up and Webb's spinning the hell out of it.


At 11:13 AM, Blogger .... said...
Because faux Miller's nose is possibly larger than his real one? With the exception of the Miller campaign i saw no Jewish Groups come out and say that they thought it was anti-Semitic. You however have your opinion, politically driven or otherwise and you have every write to keep printing it.

Allen called a kid a real racial slur that has hurt real people. On my blog, the Arlington Commissioner of Revenue Ingrid Morroy blogs that she was called that as a child growing up being called that because she was the only non-white on the block. It’s amazing to me that George Allen wont apologize to Sidarth as if he said nothing offensive (which even you said he did)


At 12:04 PM, Blogger Shaun Kenney said...
That's not as amazing as denying the Miller comic as something other than anti-Semitic, a fact which a number of prominent Jews (and Jewish Democrats) admitted went way over the line.

Of course, since you're not a Jew, what do you care -- right? Or is Allen just held to a higher standard because secretly you admire him more than your own candidate?


At 1:05 PM, Blogger Megan said...
Alright, you two...

quit talking about who's apologizing to who....

This is high school b.s.


At 1:25 PM, Blogger Shaun Kenney said...
As juvenile as it is, the race issue is something the Webb campaign continues to bring up time and time again...

The semantics may be juvenile, but on the metaissues this strikes right at the heart of character IMO.

That's important to me as a voter, anyhow...


At 6:39 PM, Blogger Megan said...

I can see James's blog in the future....



At 6:51 PM, Blogger Charles said...
Allen said he was going to apologize to Sidarth in person the next time he saw him, which he hoped would be at the next campaign event.

So what do you want to bet Sidarth is no longer the one covering Allen's events?


At 7:04 PM, Blogger Shaun Kenney said...
Bottom line here is that Allen is going out of his way to make good on his apology.

Webb on the other hand has yet to apologize, and doesn't even think he (or his inept campaign) did anything wrong.

Enough is enough folks. Frankly, I admire the way Allen is approaching this, especially in contrast to the way Webb handled himself after the anti-Semitic flyer.


At 7:05 PM, Blogger Shaun Kenney said...
I can see James's blog in the future....


LMAO! How sad is that!


At 7:20 PM, Blogger .... said...
After November, former Senator Allen will probobly apologize.


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