Thursday, September 07, 2006

The American Eleven: A Values-Led Plan for Victory in November

Former Speaker Newt Gingrich offers his blueprint for victory in November with eleven specific goals:
Republicans should spend the next two months focused on 11 straightforward, morally grounded issues about which the American people have clearly defined beliefs.

Some of these issues will make Republican elitists uncomfortable, but these were the same elitists who were uncomfortable with President Reagan and who scoffed at the Contract with America and rejected its bold proposals.

A Republican majority in the House that spent the next two months on these eleven issues would go a long way toward clarifying the choice between the San Francisco values of Nancy Pelosi and those of a GOP majority. This refreshing approach would reject the "incumbentitis" of relying on pork-barrel spending for reelection and return to the basic populist conservative values which gave us a majority in the first place.

These 11 issues are all clear and all doable.
Check 'em out!


At 9:28 AM, Blogger James Atticus Bowden said...
Newt is great on political strategy and tactics. I met him in the early 80s when I was teaching at West Point. He went out to Ft Leavenworth and studied strategy, operational art and tactics.

Unfortunately, when pressed he doesn't have the mettle for national leadership. He changed focus while Speaker. He caved to Clinton on the government show down.

His person life doesn't make for a model of who should be elected to the highest office. I know that means nothing to Democrats when it is a Democrat, but it should mean something to Republicans.

His 11 points are excellent.


At 3:54 PM, Blogger Charles said...
Newt misses a political calculation, one which I'd rather nobody have to worry about but which does exist.

For example, he's right that overwhelming majorities support "english-only". What he doesn't say is that very FEW people will vote based on pro-english-only, and they are already likely republicans. On the other hand, those who oppose english-only oppose it with a great passion, and will not only vote it as a single-issue, but will pore money and time into fighting it. So you could actually LOSE votes by supporting something that almost everybody supports.

We should do it anyway, because it's the right thing. But we won't.

The other problem is that it's a little late to act on these, and we can't just SAY we'll act because we are in the majority.

Plus, none of these would even get scheduled in the Senate, so I'm not sure having votes would help the house members, since it would still look like we did nothing.


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