Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Im Not Emeril: Has The Smear Campaign Gone Too Far For DNC's Comfort?

For those who continue to insist there is no liberal vs. progressive civil war within the Democratic Party, as INE explains:
I've been told they have been monitoring this campaign, and are not happy with what they have been hearing and reading, primarily from the leftist blogs connected with the Webb campaign.

The two party leaders are currently blaming it on youthful exuberance, and a frustration with recent election losses.

My source says that both Pelosi and Reid have asked Howard Dean to renounce the racist and anti-semitic language and methods employed by Webb's supporters. He has refused to do so, essentially saying he doesn't think it's a problem.

She ends her e-mail by saying that some within the DNC have been monitoring the Webb campaign, concerned that influences from Daily Kos, Democratic Underground, and may negatively impact the Senate race.
Disagree with Pelosi on politics, but don't underestimate her. When she says things are going to far, they've probably gone way beyond acceptable. That Howard Dean and the progressives are cheering Webb as his campaign races him off a cliff should disturb any true liberal... or objective believer that politics shouldn't be a dirty word.


At 5:48 PM, Blogger D.J. McGuire said...
The rule in politics is eerily simple: what works, works.

If Webb wins, we'll see a lot more of this. If he loses, we won't.

It's that simple.


At 6:48 PM, Blogger David said...
That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever read. Not a word of it is true.


At 6:53 PM, Blogger Shaun Kenney said...
If you'd like to call INE a liar, be my guest...


At 7:23 PM, Blogger David said...
Maybe an exaggerator.


At 2:13 AM, Blogger Charles said...
dj, that's a sad (but probably true) argument to be able to make -- vote for Allen because voting for Webb justifies their actions.

I noticed that Webb left town for Texas. I do wonder if he's just along for the ride (after all, he's a political newcomer and never dealt with political campaign staffs before), and he's not comfortable with what's happening but is powerless to stop it because his money is tied to using these people sent by MoveOn and DailyKos to run his campaign.

I'd like to believe Webb is a decent man being used by his campaign staff.

And I can pretty much bet you won't see any of the Webb supporters saying that about Allen. Because they WISH he was the devil incarnate, like they say he is.

It's not enough to win anymore, you have to make sure your opponent can't get a job as a dog catcher when you are done.

I blame the media for printing unsubstantiated allegations, and for printing ANYTHING that they know has nothing to do with the race or modern history.


At 8:05 AM, Blogger Mike said...
I wrote this in the Susan Allen thread, but I'll paste it here as well (because I have a feeling that older threads stop being viewed after a certain point).

(Regarding George Alen's alleged racist comments)

What a dumb issue to bring up. I have always found the race issue to be a moot point on many levels.

1) Suppose a man is a racist. Can he change the laws as they stand? Will he be able to reinstitute segregational institutions and promote discrimination in hiring practices? Absolutly not. For one thing, the Supreme Court would overturn any such unjust legislations, and for another, he would lose most of his support on both sides by making such an attempt anyway.

2) Does racism indicate something about someone's character? Sure it does, but then again, so does his religion, his position on abortion, his position on socialism, and any other moral matter. However, as the Democrats made absolutly clear during the Klinton years, a man's personal life and personal beliefs should not impact his political life. Isn't that what the Democrats claimed when John Kerry was running for president? That even though he was a Catholic, his religious beliefs would not (and should not) impact his decision-making in relation to so-called "women's rights"? Doesn't Ted Kennedy make the same claim every time he is up for re-election? So even IF John Allen is a racist, if he keeps it to himself and doesn't act politically on what he may hold personally, then it is a non-issue.


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