Sunday, September 17, 2006

More Character than Jim Webb...

Rep. Cardin fires a campaign staffer making racist comments independent of the campaign:
Rep. Benjamin Cardin has fired a campaign staffer who posted racially charged comments against his opponent on the Internet, the congressman's campaign said Saturday.

The staffer's blog includes references to Oreo cookies. Cardin's opponent, Republican Lt. Gov. Michael Steele, who is black, has said people threw Oreos at him during a 2002 debate as a slight directed at his race and political views.

In a statement, Cardin, who is white, also condemned comments written by the female staffer on her blog that he considered derogatory to Jews.

'I am deeply offended and disgusted by the blog's racial and anti- Semitic overtones,' the 10-term congressman said. 'The staff person responsible was promptly dismissed and will have nothing to do with my campaign.'
Absolutely 100% the right thing to do.

Of course, Rep. Cardin could teach Secretary Webb a thing or two about controlling out-of-control campaign staffers.


At 10:39 PM, Blogger Joe Friday said...
I'd say, Webb has no corner on the market, for lack of character in this race!

Both Webb and Allen do a wonderful job of disgracing Virginia and America.


At 7:32 AM, Blogger .... said...
That is the most disgusting thing I’ve read in a long time. Jim Webb has more character in his little finger that you do in your whole body...

You need to apologize, this post is absolutely reprehensible!!!


At 12:31 PM, Blogger Bubby said...
I agree, if George Allen will not commit to devoting the full measure of his time to his duties as U.S.Senator from Virginia, then he should not seek that office. We have enough problems with elected officials not doing their job. Thanks for reminding me.


At 11:21 PM, Blogger Charles said...
Allen has no idea whether he will run for President, or if he does, if he will even make it TO the Iowa caucus, much less end up as the candidate.

Meanwhile, I'm sure he'll serve a lot more than Kerry did in 2004.


At 11:27 PM, Blogger Charles said...
And james, I have no idea how much "character" Webb has. I know that he doesn't believe for a minute that the "m-word" is the "n-word", because in today's debate he said he was having an "m-word" moment.

So given that you believe the "m-word" is the "n-word", you have to wonder what the character is of a man that would just say that in public for no reason.

We CAN question Webb's current character, so long as he is hugging people he wouldn't talk to for 20 years, and allowing his campaign race-baiting and religion-baiting minions to spread their vile comments while he stays silent.

You can tell Webb doesn't think for a minute that Allen is a racist. A man of character would have, in the debate, when asked, told the truth. But he wouldn't tell the truth.

And if you are going to tell me that Webb DOES think Allen is a racist, I'll have to ask -- why then did he ENDORSE Allen in 2000. After all, as you point out, Allen's "racism" has been known for years.

Webb says he doesn't support Allen anymore because he didn't show the leadership Webb expected. But if Allen was a racist, Webb should have NEVER endorsed him.

But Webb doesn't think Allen is a racist -- and he's showing a lack of character letting his campaign smear a good man with a charge that is one of the worst charges you can level against someone.

And I see you have no trouble saying Shaun has no character. Always quick to denigrate others for your cause. Good storm-trooper, you are.


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