Proportionalism vs. Catholicism
Proportionalism and Catholicism are natural enemies? In the aftermath of the Second Vatican Council, the idea of proportionalism made a resurgence (particularly among Catholics in the United States). While sustaining a whithering attack from both Catholic academics and from Pope John Paul II himself, the battle against proportionalist ethics is finding a new home among young Catholic graduate students influence strongly by JP II.
Interesting post from Acton, with some great articles linked.
Common to all so-called proportionalists ... is the insistence that causing certain
disvalues (nonmoral, premoral evils such as sterilization, deception in speech,
wounding and violence) in our conduct does not by that very fact make the action
morally wrong, as certain traditional formulations supposed. The action becomes
morally wrong when, all things considered, there is not a proportionate reason in
the act justifying the disvalue. Thus, just as not every killing is murder, not every
falsehood is a lie, so not every artificial intervention preventing or promoting
conception in marriage is necessarily an unchaste act."
Or, you could just call sin 'sin'.
Isn't that a novel thought! :)
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