Rasmussen: Bush at 45%
And the hit just keep ooooon comin':The Rasmussen Reports daily updates are based upon nightly telephone interviews and reported on a three-day rolling average basis. Most of the interviews for today’s update were completed before President Bush’s address to the nation two nights ago. Friday’s results will be the first based entirely upon interviews conducted after the speech and after the 9/11 anniversary. Funny that we're cheering polls in the mid-forties, but 45% looks a heck of a lot better than 29%.
George Bush has had for 9 months now and continues to have an approval rating of about 38%.
Quite frankly, I see very little this president has done that I actually agree with. He's big-government (and since he ran on a small government ticket, that makes him a liar), he's a globalist, he's a socialist, he's a massive spender, and he's only nominally favored pro-life issues.
There is no way this president has been a champion of the conservativism he claimed to be when he ran in both elections, and based on that, I would say that he doesn't deserve conservative approval ... period. 20%, 30%, 80% ... it doesn't matter. This president has been a disaster, and our great-great-grandchildren will be paying for the mass of debt he has managed to accumulate.
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