Monday, November 13, 2006

VCAP Conservative Conference

I had a very good time. Moderately attended? Yes. But there were several hundred disciples that will encourage friends to return in 2007. Definitely worth it.

I am just now getting a chance to settle down. The internet connection out here in Fluvanna is terrible on one of these Sprint cards being advertised on TV. For $50, you too can get a blazing fast 153Kb of speed.... and unreliably at best. So it looks like I will be purchasing satellite internet from Hughes or some other firm.

At the moment, I have been spending quite a bit of time outside the home. Fixing up the general store, pruning back my grape vine (which looked even worse since we bought the place six months ago), testing out the chainsaw on a dead birch tree outside, building a burn pile out back, and clearing out my office to paint the ceiling and plaster the 1970's era yellow wood paneling.

The conversation of the VCAP conference was indeed the state of affairs at RPV. No mentions for the chairman, no mentions for the executive director. No mentions even for staff changes, but plenty of recommendations for institutional changes.

Given the moment, I have no thoughts other than to say Kate Griffin inherited the mess that was the Republican Party of Virginia. Lots of criticism her way, but I believe much of it is undeserved. I wish her all the best.


At 12:27 AM, Blogger Tom Kopko said...
Shaun, I have the same feelings about the VCAP conference - worth the while and that it will grow next year. Some non-attenders felt it was at least a week too soon after the elections. Perhaps so, but if we'd had a strong electoral win the timing would be considered brilliant.

The individual panelists were quite good and I found that I went away with valuable new information and contacts that will help the conservative cause in Pr. Wm. County. I unfortunately missed your panel.

I posed the same question to each panel I attended: how are conservatives going to win the public relations battle on transportation funding this coming session? I was not encouraged by the answers and hope to change that in the coming weeks.


At 10:56 AM, Blogger James Atticus Bowden said...
Tom: Do you read Bacon's Rebellion? There are many good ideas on Transportation there. Market good ideas.

Shaun: You would make a great Exec. Dir.


At 12:31 AM, Blogger Tom Kopko said...
jab: on occassion I do read Bacon's Rebellion. I went through a lot of your posts the other night - fascinating in themselves but clearly fostering excellent debate. Overall, BR is a wonderfully refreshing version of a blog.

I'll look for transpo ideas next. My point is that we're nearly out of time to get ahead of the 8-ball that could crush the GOP in '07 elections.


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