FIRST THINGS: On Intellectuals
Why are lawyers considered intellectuals and engineers not? Are journalists intellectuals? Does any profession give you instant credentials as an intellectual? Joseph Bottum over at First Things asks precisely that question.
A good read. If you haven't put the First Things blog on your aggregator, you're missing something, especially if you are an avid reader of First Things as I am.
*slow nod*
That has to be the weirdest thing I've ever read.
EVER. :)
I guess it's more of a social stigma sort of thing. A lawyer is almost commonly assumed to be an intellectual, while other professiosn that require just as much education (or less) don't have that stigma.
Guess the real heart of it all is "what constitutes an intellectual"?
Yah, what *does* constitute an 'intellectual'? Is it a pejorative?
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