Leaders (so far) on the 2008 Presidential Poll
That feisty little poll to the right has some results:
7th Place (tied): Mike Huckabee and Duncan Hunter 6th Place: Tailspinning from Allen's loss... 5th Place: John McCain 4th Place (tied): Sam Brownback and Rudy Giuliani 2nd Place: Newt Gingrich
...and your first place winner?
1st Place: Jim Gilmore
Interesting to note that of the votes for conservative candidates (Hunter, Huckabee, Gingrich, Brownback, and Gilmore) that they outpoll the moderates 2-1, and Gilmore takes nearly half of that conservative vote.
The poll will continue to run until stagnant. Looking forward to the results!
Here in Iowa, no one thinks an Iowan can be POTUS. In Virginia, everyone knows it can happen.
So can you explain why it's interesting? Thanks.
Apparently either the MSM didn't completely kill him when he was down or some of us still recognize his genius.
And joel, you're assuming that this poll is among mostly Virginians. That may or may not be a valid assumption. Only Shaun can answer that. Is it Shaun?
I'm not too surprised that Gingrich is polling so high. He did win the VCAP straw poll.
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