Friday, December 29, 2006

Why Braveheart Fails; Why Watling Street Works

So I read the criticism from Spank That Donkey. I'm sure the folks in Fredericksburg will be highly amused to see I am no longer a "grassroots conservative" but rather some cushy elitist moderate.
See Shaun, here is something you may be overlooking, while in your comfy ‘eldership’ at the ODBA… The Blogs, SWAC Girl, Elle, the Journal of the Common Man, and GGD have something in common….. They are all related to grass roots volunteer work on Republican Campaigns going back to 1990’s. This group, came together quickly recognizing, that Waldo was censoring just as the MSM and decided to take a stand…

Let me elaborate further, Grass Roots volunteers don’t do it for the $$ or the ego trip, they come together over PRINCIPLES… Such as smaller govt, lower taxes, etc. and they absolutely abhor the MSM, whom Waldo and his aggregator now came to represent.
My uncontrolled laughter actually interrupted my resume-folding for jobs with the Gang of Five in the Virginia State Senate. Another day, perhaps... people say silly things when they are hurt. All is forgiven.

What interested me was that the Braveheart analogy was introduced. Here's the short story: the "old guard" types in the Old Dominion Blog Alliance are representative of the deceitful backstabbing nobles, the crowd supporting the lawyer-turned-high school student are the brave William Wallace and company. In short, my support for Waldo (or more accurately, my opposition to the silly personal attacks) is indicative of the Battle of Falkirk, where William Wallace rides into the British and the nobles run away in exchange for lands, titles, etc.

Wrong analogy. Poor analogy.

This is the Battle of Watling Street. Queen Boudiccia and 100,000 Britons had just defeated three (!) Roman legions, sacked Colchester, sacked London, and now faced the only remaining vestige of Roman power in lower Briton: the 14th Legion -- a dishonored and displaced unit that was certainly no match for the British horde.

Some Britions advised a full-scale attack. Others advised caution. But with victory in grasp, Boudiccia sided with those blinded with victory.

The 14th Legion had other ideas. Facing the massed hordes of Britons united and flushed with victory, Seutonius chose his ground, organized his legionaires in the center in wedge formation. To the left and the right he organized his horsemen so that the horde would be channelled into the waiting phalanxes in the center. All that remained was for the Britons to make the mistake Seutonius knew they would make.

Boudiccia attacked. Britons upon Britons clashed with the 14th Legion. As the ones behind began to pressure the front guard, the Britons were so tightly packed they couldn't raise their shields or swords. Unable to move due to the massive weight of the numbers behind them (and poor planning of their leaders), the Britons began to be slaughtered.

As the 14th Legion continued to slice from behind their shield when they did the unthinkable: they advanced.

Panicked, the Britons ran. They trampled over their own. Of the 100,000 Britions on the field that day, 80,000 were killed. Only 400 Romans died. In the end, the Britons did not escape the wrath of the Roman legions and were severely punished. Roman rule was re-established for 400 years, and the 14th Legion was given the title "Martia Vicrix" for their historic efforts that day and erasing their past shame.

Watling Street falls into the same categories of impossible victories as Sterling Bridge, Teutorborg Forest, Bastgone, and Agincourt. Despite superior numbers (and a just cause -- Boudiccia was forced to witness her two daughters being raped by Roman soldiers, which started the rebellion), the Britons failed because they refused to fight intelligently, stressing unity over strategy and blinded by previous victories.

Moral of the story? Don't send a pseudonymous 16-year old posting posing as a lawyer to do your dirty work. Play smart. Don't overplay your hand. And certainly don't expect people to stand by you if you're not going to be honest about who you are.


At 1:03 PM, Blogger Spank That Donkey said...
16 huh? Do you believe everything that the Left of Center spy machine spits out?

Maybe you should take the time to email your fellow Conservatives, and you'd find out the truth.

Second of all. GGD derailed the 'Macacaing' of Virgil Goode, and have shifted the 'real attack' bloggers on the left who now have to defend Muslim Islamofascists, and try to explain away their threat to our Nation.

The history lesson that is best applied to 'our current' situation is that state wide candidates who soften their conservative principles and/or do not proudly campaign upon them have been doing what?

We adopt their language, play by their rules and we lose...

The principle is that Waldo took 'our' bi-partisan aggregator, and became an editor using the MSM Liberal model of what is deemed useful for the public to see.

Why are you not standing with us on principle, but instead hiding behind the skirt of Waldo's private property? Let it be his, and become a va lefty blogs... until he levels the playing field..

Don't you ever complain about the MSM? Well, this is our chance to do something about it in the VA Blogosphere...

I would hope you will consider this, and us, your fellow Conservatives.


At 1:13 PM, Blogger Shaun Kenney said...
Chris, you're new at blogging. Xmas buried Goode, not GGD. In fact, now that GGD is getting strung out over the holiday season, the Dems will have a second chance to beat Goode over the head.

All thanks to a poorly thought out schematic to play the game the Dems way.

That aggregator was never "ours" to begin with. Why trust in it if you viscerally hate Waldo Jaquith so much?

The problem here is that (a) the ODBA was lied to in order to (b) tear down Waldo Jaquith.

After repeated attempts to come clean, certain individuals have sidestepped that to argue that we should be rallying 'round the flag. What flag? Why should we?

I complain about the MSM constantly, and I think we're 100% right on the issue of Islamic terrorism. But to go out of our way, use a pseudonym, fake credentials as an attorney, and personally blast Waldo? And the response to concerns is "hey, trust us?"

You're creating a story I'm sure the MSM is looking into now. The story isn't going to be how a Democratic blogger was exposed -- it will be the all of the above, and it will not be pretty.

You guys messed this one up. In the future, the e-mails should come to the one's who have done this for years. It certainly shouldn't be vice versa, where the rest of the ODBA is screaming whiskey-tango-foxtrot!


At 1:28 PM, Blogger Spank That Donkey said...
A parody of Waldo and he is torn down? STD has not lied to the ODBA, (as I am not a member,nor GGD).

Now is the MSM going to talk about the principle of censorship that started this, or civility in blogging... Surely a parody or two hasn't destroyed civility.

However, when the Conservative bloggers go over to the other side, and join them in this civility vs. what this is actually all about.

Doesn't that make it all the more relevent? Editors twisting, and or hiding the truth from the public against us?

My point is made (with my post), this should be taken indoors...

Remember the title was 'Conservatives Should Stick Together'.....


At 1:35 PM, Blogger Shaun Kenney said...
Conservatives *didn't* stick together though Chris.

One walked way off the reservation, and the rest of us are being scolded for not following. All the while, we get our teeth kicked in and GGD folds up shop.

That's a tough, tough sell...


At 1:57 PM, Blogger Doogman said...
One small historical note - the Roman Empire fell and exists now only in remnants - a reminder that empire-building is a foolish waste. You can't live long standing on people's throats.


At 2:13 PM, Blogger Spank That Donkey said...
I've talked to the Dog, and we will get this straightened out.

The problem is that the Dog is really a 'pup' :-)

He's back, and will hopefully soon show all of his posts, and everyone can see the time line of events, and it will make everything much clearer....

This started with foul language on SWAC Girls site... None of us took kindly to that, because SWAC Girl is a great Lady!


At 2:19 PM, Blogger Shaun Kenney said...
1. If GGD is a 'pup', that's perfectly fine! Just fess up to being a pup and use the good attention to his benefit (and blog under his real name).

2. Lynn is a terrific lady! 810% agreed! :)

3. Just remember, be right then do right.

Whew. I finally feel like something is being concluded here.


At 2:22 PM, Blogger Shaun Kenney said...
One small historical note - the Roman Empire fell and exists now only in remnants - a reminder that empire-building is a foolish waste.

More importantly than empires are cultures. There's a great book entitled "Empire of Liberty" that talks about Jefferson's idea of empire and liberty. Great book from UVA press (read it while I was in Colorado).


At 2:55 PM, Blogger Dirk van Assendelft said...
One good thing that has come out of this GGD mess is that I found your blog. Thanks for taking the high road and taking a stance that makes sense.

I look forward to continued reading of your blog......


At 3:16 PM, Blogger Shaun Kenney said...
Much appreciated, Andrew. Look forward to seeing you around (and getting that blog of yours off the ground)!


At 4:14 PM, Blogger Spank That Donkey said...
Conclusion of course will revolve around a certain 'principle' that started this entire thing....


At 4:39 PM, Blogger Shaun Kenney said...
Sorry Chris, some folks abandoned principle the moment they lied about who they were, then demanded conformity.

A gentleman does not lie, cheat, or steal; nor does he associate himself with those who do.

Nobody is going to close ranks with a liar or a cheat. Next time, someone should have the common courtesy to discuss things with ODBA members rather than walk off the reservation and expect others to blindly follow. If they do, they certainly shouldn't come crawling to others to come to their rescue.

You guys completely misunderstand blogs and what they do. If someone had opened a line of communication just before they dropped off the deep end...


At 4:44 PM, Blogger Bwana said...
Shaun-complete your historical analogy and mention cannae, where the weak center strategy was born...and used to defeat the Romans


At 7:02 PM, Blogger Anne Taetzsch Fitzgerald said...
Shaun--with all due respect--you are making an assumption about who GGD really is just like you assumed that Maxfield is 16.

I can tell you unequivocally that both assumptions are false.

We conservative bloggers need to stick together.


At 9:34 PM, Blogger Charles said...
Shaun, we don't know who Dog was, nor do we know if all the information "found out" about Max is true.

And whether or not the fake pseudonym is a good idea or not (and I'd be happy to restrict ODBA to named individuals, but that hasn't been the policy up til now and even luminaries like Chad Dotson once hid his identity and lived in the cloak of anonymity), once you have made up a fake identity it seems little more than a trifle that your identity is NOT reality.

In other words, if you call yourself GDD, and you most certainly are NOT a dog, or related in any way to a general, it hardly seems to be worthy of complaint that the person who isn't a Dog is also not a lawyer. Certainly nobody was stupid enough to take an anonymous blogger's word on anything, and nobody would be so silly as to take professional legal advice from anybody who won't reveal their name, or anybody on the internet for that matter.

Personal attacks are never a good thing, although at least some of the attacks on Waldo were of the nature of attacking his actions, and his childish response to the complaints. Given his posts giving credence to anonymous 3rd-party reports of spousal abuse against a public figure, he seems in no position to get in a snit about complaints on his person.


At 11:54 PM, Blogger Spank That Donkey said...
Well said Charles:

Seriously if Maxfield had declared himself a chef...

Should we bloggers be in awe of his opinion of a Caesar Salad?

(you like them Roman analogies better it seems)

Politics needs a good dose of levity... helps thru the times of sorry and pain...

If Waldo can not take a couple tastefully done photo shop images.. poking fun at him...

How was that possibly uncivil... do we ban all political cartoonists next? That will not add to political discourse...


At 8:08 PM, Blogger Spank That Donkey said...
Shaun Says:

"Chris, you're new at blogging. Xmas buried Goode, not GGD. In fact, now that GGD is getting strung out over the holiday season,"

I guess you believe in Santa Claus too?

You old Guards are guarding the castle I see... GGD was agreable to a truce, there for awhile, until more of this popped up...

I don't control GGD anyhow, and GGD may be a 'pup' in blogging terms but I guess that makes you a dinosaur huh? :-)

You shouldn't get all bent out of shape just because we
#1 redirected the macacaing of Virgil, to now them explaining why they support extremist terrorists..
#2 Had Waldo rename his aggregator, so when john doe public comes on they have to ask themselves, "well what is Waldo's political bent"? (Liberal Democrat)
#3 Made a certain ODBA take a look at the the security of the Yahoo Group they were using, because Waldo let it out of the bag in his Comments bragging on what he was doing to us! (Bravo Waldo!)

You have already been emailed the screen shot of the guy you are defending mocking not only GGD supporters, but the entire ODBA.


At 1:57 PM, Blogger Triscula said...
Spanky said:

You shouldn't get all bent out of shape just because we
#1 redirected the macacaing of Virgil, to now them explaining why they support extremist terrorists..
#2 Had Waldo rename his aggregator, so when john doe public comes on they have to ask themselves, "well what is Waldo's political bent"? (Liberal Democrat)
#3 Made a certain ODBA take a look at the the security of the Yahoo Group they were using, because Waldo let it out of the bag in his Comments bragging on what he was doing to us! (Bravo Waldo!)

Spanky, I missed the part where you guys managed to make the case that the Democratic bloggers on the VPB "support extremist terrorists".

Frankly, all that came from this now obviously premeditated scam is that the scammers are now very isolated and are becoming more so every day, as they turn on and attack people in their own political party for not jumping on their sinking ship.

The only think this tiff 'exposed' was the jealousy and spite of a few bloggers who, lacking anything substantive or interesting to add to the debate, simply seek to destroy the forum itself.


At 5:14 PM, Blogger Spank That Donkey said...
First of all, go ahead and start defending those that chop off our heads and fly planes into buildings.. how about Palestinian terrorists, they are more popular.

As for turning on members of our party I am afraid the host here turned on members of his party...

Without having the facts, he started his post off with buying a Lie from Liberal bloggers, in defense of another Liberal blogger...

Why? I laid out the parties and being put on a panel... I would hope he would rather be defending the principle of not having conservative views censored.

and btw Shaun, If you think that Christmas derailed the macaca of Goode, it's pretty obvious you believe in Santa Claus too.

Finally, You keenly discerned my description of Braveheart and how it related to the ODBA...

Take it to heart. If you think I am the only one thinking it....


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