Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Ron Paul Lost?

Of course, this is one heck of a time to pick my head up and look around... what is all this nonsense (and it is) about Ron Paul busing in supporters?

There are naturally two observations here... first, the GOP faithful probably didn't have Fred Thompson, but George Allen in mind when they voted. While it's not entirely fair to say the grassroots voted Paul, it is entirely fair to make the observation that Thompson did carry the lion's share of the hardcore activists amongst Virginia Republicans. The Paulistas -- or whatever the Revolution is calling itself nowadays -- were largely new folks from just about every background imaginable.

...which leads into point #2. Will those Ron Paul supporters come back?

Now I know the Republican Liberty Caucus of Virginia was re-organized over the weekend to a bit of fanfare, with D.J. McGuire as the newly minted Chairman. Seeing as the RLC is a project of the good congressman from Texas, that might not be a bad way to get the conversation started.

What conversation, you ask? The conversation as to what the heck we really believe about smaller, less intrusive government -- and what we intend to do to accomplish it.

I will add one item: Ron Paul's supporters on the whole were very polite and energetic. There were those handful of people that you have heard criticized at RedState and such... the nutjobs and self-styled gnostics of conspiracy who belittled the "sheep" in the GOP. Losers.

In any event, straw polls are aptly named. It's winning the delegates that matter. Still, given the turnout for Thompson and Paul, it's very difficult to argue that the big mo' is leaning towards the center. In fact, it's leaning towards the Reagan-Goldwater right.


At 9:52 PM, Blogger Spank That Donkey said...
I think it's hard to categorize the Paul supporters... with the exception of, I doubt many were dues paying members of RPV...

Now getting those guys and gals involved in the Republican Party would be great, because we could use that spirit...

but, let's get for real, booing a USMC General representing Duncan Hunter, because he said we should Win the War in Iraq, is quite short sighted....

The Republican Party was built on National Security, and in the day of Lincoln (I can't believe I will type this) had a notion of what what a Strong National Defense means for our Nation as a whole...

Which tends to make me think, alot of the Paul supporters are enjoying just a little too bit of 'insulation' our nation provides, without thinking about the origination and sustenance of that insulation, Freedom, and right to assemble...

Would these people have taken up arms at Lexington and Concord to face the Kings Men? Maybe so, but to take up arms and Free others upon foreign shores is a selfless cause that we all should bear in mind as well...

Quite frankly, which is more noble?


At 10:08 PM, Blogger Waldo Jaquith said...
It's interesting to see how few bloggers are willing to acknowledge that they erred in their initial assumption (or reporting, if they relied on media coverage), and point out that no busing took place. I wonder how many of them will eventually acknowledge their mistake. I speculate rather few.


At 10:21 PM, Blogger Shaun Kenney said...
Booing and heckling a Marine is absolutely atrocious behavior -- agreed.

Of course, the whole "authority" thing is what has motivated the Ron Paul movement for a long time coming...

I'm not even touching the who-shot-john of busing folks in... too hot!


At 10:57 PM, Blogger Tom McNeill said...
"Would these people have taken up arms at Lexington and Concord to face the Kings Men? Maybe so, but to take up arms and Free others upon foreign shores is a selfless cause that we all should bear in mind as well...

Quite frankly, which is more noble?"

WOW! Did you just compare the invasion and occupation of Iraq to the American Revolution? What country are you from?

That "selfless" act of "pre-emptive war" would carry much more moral authority, IF the Iraqi people were free to choose their own form of gov't, and IF so many friends of this administration weren't being awarded trillions of US taxpayer dollars, in the form of no-bid contracts to "nation build"...er...to rebuild Iraq's infrastructure.

So, was the American Revolution morally superior to Gulf War II? You bet your neocon arse it was.


At 6:53 PM, Blogger Spank That Donkey said...
You may recall even the French sent over infantry, and more importantly Degrasse outfoxed the British Navy and his French Squadron blockaded Cornwallis...

Yes it was in their interest to free us of the King's rule, and it is in our interest to free the Iraqi's of that tyrant Sadaam... Are you disappointed by our recent success there?

Norm further says:
"IF the Iraqi people were free to choose their own form of gov't, and IF so many friends of this administration weren't being awarded trillions of US taxpayer dollars,"

So you prefer they reinstall a dictator, or maybe Chavez? Please check with Nancy Pelosi, who has conveniently gotten some contracts to her own husband... Think Robert Byrd has WV's hands in the jar?


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