MoveOn endorses Obama
So sayeth The Hill.
Given the irony that was built to defend the Clintons during the 1998 impeachment process, this is just too delicious.
It should also tell you something about Obama's strength amongst the rank-and-file progressives, and the relative weakness of the liberal wing of the Democratic Party. It's civil war allright, and an era is about to end on the left...
Could be a case of mislabeling... could equally be a case that the left-leaning brand of liberalism has played itself out, or morphed into a new progressive movement.
One of the neat things about progressivism is that it is entirely an American approach to governance, and not something hodgepodged from Europe. Libertarianism is similar, it just hasn't found a real voice yet at the kitchen table.
Sorry to be a philosopher about it all... but the Barack Obama campaign just fascinates me for one reason or another. The parallels to Kennedy are indeed striking.
Hi Eli, you and your organization are doing such a disservice to the American people. You and the people who control are undermining efforts to end the war. MoveOn pushes candidates who ignore the US Constitution and International Law. Obama openly violates international law by threatening Iran with an attack.
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