QandO: Rules, rules, rules ...
McQ over at QandO brings up a great point: If the Dems were running a "winner take all" system for delegates, Hillary Clinton would be winning the nomination in a walk.
My personal preference is that you practice for gameday. Therefore, if the state's Electoral College delegation is winner take all, then shouldn't the national party expect their candidates to operate under a similar system?
This doesn't mean Hillary is the best candidate (the polls right now are showing otherwise), but it does mean that Hillary may have had the best overall strategy to win the heads-up contest against John McCain.
We'll see.
...or am I the only guy who's nuts around here? :)
Of course, there's ways to deal with the mullahcracy other than "bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran" in the end. NATO did the right thing by bombing away at Milosevic in '98 -- barring Wes Clark almost starting World War III with the Russians and all.
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