RWL: Are Gilmore’s bloggers actually reading these bills?
Time to sign somebody up for remedial reading classes, as D.J. McGuire takes the Gilmore bloggers to school -- AGAIN.
Curiously, this is being done by a Gilmore camp convinced (or trying to convince others) it has the nomination wrapped up. You only go negative when you're losing folks...
He has a position, hardly causing abortion to happen. Especially when his term as Gov. brought into law 24 Hr waiting periods for abortion.
How many lives has that actually saved vs. Marshall's rock solid position? Net Gilmore.
Partial Birth abortion ban... Net saved lives goes to Gilmore...
Going to the 6th District Mass Meeting and watching Marshall's surrogate go negative at Gilmore, while Donald Huffman himself (RPV Advance founder) told the crowd that Gilmore was the Governor that gave us a first time since Reconstruction a Republican Majority in the General Assembly.
Who's behind indeed! I'm just tired of Marshall's hubris... He's not making friends bashing Gilmore. Muchless making friends attacking LG Bolling and AG McDonnell when they endorse Gilmore.
I wonder who Chichester is endorsing...
Grease up those lips Shaun because when Gilmore wins you will have a lot to eat with many bloggers serving up your crow.
BTW- If your gonna preach about abortion and display a Embryonic stem cell killing John McCain banner...What a joke.
I'm more than happy to put a little gentlemen's wager on Marshall coming out with the nomination. Nothing fantastic... any takers?
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