Thursday, May 29, 2008

Virginia Virtucon: Team Frederick Accuses Team Hager of Denying Convo Delegates Access to Materials?

So I read this, and decided to see whether or not it was true. Time to call Josh Noland (RPV Comm Dir) and figure out what's what.

Pick up the phone to do some sleuthing... I decided to live blog the call (well, not really... but you'll get the general gist of the conversation):

Shaun: Hey, is Josh around?
Josh: Hey.
Shaun: Hey, see this Frederick e-mail on Virtucon? That's nuts! Is it true?
Josh: No. In fact, Jeff can come and pay to include stuff in the packet right now if he wanted.
Shaun: Really?
Josh: Really.
Shaun: Wow. Did anyone else have to pay?
Josh: Sure. Most everyone participated except Bob Marshall.
Shaun: Everyone?
Josh: John Brownlee paid to put stuff in there.
Shaun: Wow.
Josh: Yeah. Even the Log Cabin Republicans paid to put literature in the convention packets.
Shaun: Really?
Josh: Yep.
Shaun: But not Jeff Frederick?
Josh: Nope.
Shaun: Gee... that's kinda messed up.
Josh: *silence*
Shaun: So uhh... how's things?
Josh: Busy. In fact, I have a ton of other things to worry about.
Shaun: Uhh... yeah... I uhh... I guess that's true...
Josh: Yep...
Shaun: Umm.... I'll let you get back to saving America.
Josh: No problem. It's what we do.


One might think that Frederick would be inclined to financially assist the organization he intends to represent... or is that asking too much?


At 11:08 PM, Blogger Unknown said...
Care to comment on any of the other items in the letter?


At 11:28 PM, Blogger JTylerBallance said...
What is missing, is that when the materials were omitted, there was no phone call, no discussion with the Frederick or Marshall folks telling them specifically that if they didn't come across with the appropriate bribe, then their materials would be omitted from the "goody bags."

After I talked with both campaigns, it became clear that the refusal to pay for a "hospitality suite" by the Marshall team caused their materials to be bumped from the packets, while there was no clear rationale for there being no Jeff Frederick material included, since Jeff paid for a suite.

I don't think that there was a clear understanding that in order to have your materials in the goody bag that was predicted on paying a bribe, sponsor fee or suite fee.

Since the bags are given to the delegates who paid the $35.00, are not the delegates then entitled to get material from all of the candidates, and other Convention participants.

It would be interesting to see if all of the material in the bags were there because of a sponsor fee. The Richmond Visitors bureau is in the goody bag, but did they pay a sponsor fee?

All of that aside, I think the lesson is that written rules should be published for all to see well in advance of these conventions.

When you have a race for Party Chairman and the staff omits the material for the challenger, that is not fair and it fosters a sense among the delegates that the convention is a sham. Already, my fellow delegates are asking what else has been rigged? i am told that reps from the campaigns are being denied the ability to monitor the vote counting. If true, the Convention will surely be seen as invalid.

Omitting the material for Marshall and Frederick appears to be improper and according to the campaigns, they were not aware that a fee or bribe was required to have their stuff included in the bags.

This all could have been avoided with more open communications with the campaigns. The apparent propriety with which the campaigns are treated by the RPVA has a direct bearing on how the delegates and the citizens will perceive the validity of the convention results.

This situation just looks bad, whether or not the slight was intentional or procedural.

Ere on the side of fairness to all parties in the contest.


At 12:20 AM, Blogger res ipsa said...
If one were truly sleuthing, shouldn't you have asked:

1) why is there Frederick stuff at RPV when it is not being included? Did Jeff just donate it, or was there some understanding it WOULD be included, and what was that understanding?

2) is it true RPV refuses to return the materials, and if so, isn't that unfair? And it it can be returned, whom should the Frederick campaign contact at RPV to have their materials returned?

As it stands, while Josh is saving America, Frederick stuff is still rotting inside the RPV building -- you would think they would call them to come haul it away just out of common decency if it is not goig in the bags, much like my old landlord lets me get my old ping pong table out of his basement.


At 6:46 AM, Blogger Shaun Kenney said...
I asked Josh about the Frederick materials...

... he said you guys could come by and pick them up, too.

Beyond that, if I was another campaign (Gilmore, Marshall, McDonnell, Bolling, etc.), I'd be livid if RPV staff spent their entire time catering to the who-shot-John of a chairman's race.

Hate to say it, but they have better things to do than remind candidates about their literature.


At 11:35 AM, Blogger Citizen Tom said...
Shaun, There is an old saying: "All's fair in love and war." Don't you think some people believe that old saying -- and believe politics is war?

If these same people control what is put in the goody bag, do you really think that they are going admit exercising undue influence?

BOTH Marshall and Frederick are just cheap. Yep, that must explain everything.


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