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Friday, May 30, 2008NRO's Corner: MARSHALL FOR SENATE!National Review Online's Jack Fowler endorsed conservative Bob Marshall over Jim Gilmore: What’s the support of National Review’s publisher worth? Yes, a club soda on an NR cruise. But whatever its worth, I hope it helps: I’m backing Bob Marshall, and I hope to heck he wins tomorrow and in November to become the Commonwealth’s next senator.I'll buy the first club soda. Young Hillary ClintonSee y'all at the Convention! Thursday, May 29, 2008Virginia Virtucon: Team Frederick Accuses Team Hager of Denying Convo Delegates Access to Materials?So I read this, and decided to see whether or not it was true. Time to call Josh Noland (RPV Comm Dir) and figure out what's what. Pick up the phone to do some sleuthing... I decided to live blog the call (well, not really... but you'll get the general gist of the conversation): Shaun: Hey, is Josh around? ... Josh: Hey. Shaun: Hey, see this Frederick e-mail on Virtucon? That's nuts! Is it true? Josh: No. In fact, Jeff can come and pay to include stuff in the packet right now if he wanted. Shaun: Really? Josh: Really. Shaun: Wow. Did anyone else have to pay? Josh: Sure. Most everyone participated except Bob Marshall. Shaun: Everyone? Josh: John Brownlee paid to put stuff in there. Shaun: Wow. Josh: Yeah. Even the Log Cabin Republicans paid to put literature in the convention packets. Shaun: Really? Josh: Yep. Shaun: But not Jeff Frederick? Josh: Nope. Shaun: Gee... that's kinda messed up. Josh: *silence* Shaun: So uhh... how's things? Josh: Busy. In fact, I have a ton of other things to worry about. Shaun: Uhh... yeah... I uhh... I guess that's true... Josh: Yep... Shaun: Umm.... I'll let you get back to saving America. Josh: No problem. It's what we do. *click* One might think that Frederick would be inclined to financially assist the organization he intends to represent... or is that asking too much? UTB: An Open Memo to the Republican PartyGreat post to consider heading into the Virginia Republican Convention this weekend: So, you really consider yourselves the heirs of Ronald Reagan ?Mataconis does his talking through the Great Communicator himself... and the 12 min YouTube video is worth watching. Is he right? (I'm not talking about Doug.) Fight Club in Union Square
You hooked yet? Well... me neither, but it'd be fun to watch. Jonathan Martin's Blog: The Christian conservative debate-cum-smackdown I want to seeMe too. Virginia Virtucon: Warner for VP?Connecticut Yankee Mark Warner says he's being considered as Obama's VP pick, which just sends the depth of his committment to Virginia to new levels of shallowness. Marxists/Socialists/Communists for Obama!I kid you not. Click here before it goes away! Wednesday, May 28, 2008Bearing Drift: Convention Coverage and Jeffersoniad HospitalityJim Hoeft over at Bearing Drift has all the details on the Jeffersoniad Blog Alliance hospitality suite at this weekend's RPV State Convention. RWL: Gilmore Breaks Out the Tin Foil Hats!D.J. McGuire describes what he calls (rightly) the "most creative conspiracy theory I’ve ever seen." Apparently, because Bob Marshall prefers nuclear power to fossil fuels, and because he his record against “sprawl” won him the endorsement of the Sierra Club in his House of Delegate races, STD sees the entire Marshall for Senate campaign as a sinister Eco-Nazi conspiracy.Rappahannod Red gives us this hilarious take: The Right-Wing Liberal (a conservative blog if you don’t get the pun) had a nice roundup of the desperation of the few remaining Gilmore bloggers who haven’t jumped the sinking ship yet.Needless to say, Mrs. Kenney informs me that there is a fairly vicious screed from Team Gilmore at the house via snail mail, saying Marshall isn't a "reliable conservative" and listing votes viewed as favorable by the Sierra Club as one of his many sins. Sounds like the wheels are coming off to me. UPDATE: Marshall's staff has the Gilmore slick... and it looks like something from the hit-and-run playbook. Clearly this hit piece isn't the hallmark of someone confident of victory. Tuesday, May 27, 2008WTOP on Gilmore: From Blowout to Squeaker?Bob Lewis reports on what has gone from Gilmore's crass denial, to open season on Bob Marshall, to... well, a tacit concern from former Governor Jim Gilmore that he might not have the horses to win this weekend: 'We haven't tried to overpower the opponent. We simply want to win the nomination.'From blowout to squeaker? Not exactly the same talking points Team Gilmore was parading before reporters a mere three weeks ago, nor is Gilmore's weak showing what most political pundits expected from a former RNC Chairman: A closely contested convention and a narrow margin aren't what Republicans want as they begin their quest to retain the seat of five-term Republican Sen. John W. Warner. Even in Virginia, where Republicans have won 13 of the past 14 White House races, the GOP is sorely burdened by a deeply unpopular Republican president.Gadfly indeed, as Marshall has been taking body blows to Gilmore's record on amnesty, including a recent endorsement for Marshall from Rep. Tancredo amidst several key endorsements. So what if Warner has the GOP candidates outraised 8:1? Given the fact that Marshall has done more with his $78K than Gilmore has done with nearly 13 times that amount says all we need to know about Marshall's effacacy this coming November against Democrat Mark Warner. This ability to mobilze the conservative grassroots is the key to Republican victory in November. Bolling did it, McDonnell did it, the 2006 Marriage Amendment did it -- while failure to mobilize conservatives turns into systematic defeat time after time. In 1993, Mike Farris bumped off the presumptive nominee at a convention in a huge victory for social conservatives. In an election year when conservatives are looking for a reason to stay involved, a Marshall vs. Warner fight sure looks promising. OTB: Webb for VP BacklashSeems as if some Democrats are questioning the ideological purity and questionable past of Democratic Senator Jim Webb, mostly by bringing up every single point The Next RightThe Next Right went live about 24 hours ago. Sign up and sound off! Monday, May 26, 2008Twitter / MarsPhoenixFINALLY! A worthwhile use for Twitter! What is it? Twittering the Mars Phoenix project, where NASA is literally task-by-task updating their progress. Pictures, events, or teases on new discoveries. Now this I like. Merlin German Dead at 22You've seen this guy before, a Marine blown out of his Humvee in 2005 and was never expected to live the three days it would take to get him home. He held on for three years. His story is nothing short of amazing. Sadly, Merlin passed away last month during what his friends and family would have considered "routine" surgery -- adding skin to his lower lip. Read it all. Sunday, May 25, 2008Northern Virginia ConservativeMeet and greet the newest Marshall for Senate endorsee over at The Northern Virginia Conservative, remarkable because this blog had formerly endorsed Jim Gilmore and thought better of it: A few months ago, I endorsed Jim Gilmore's Senate candidacy on this blog. This campaign has shown me that he is NOT the man for the job. He is a classic glad-handing establishment politician. The Republican party, particularly here in the Old Dominion, is at a crisis point in terms of not only electoral success, but in terms of its identity. We have lost our way very, very badly the past few years by pandering to a very loud, very boorish social conservative minority, while at the same time making a Faustian bargain with people who are anything but conservative for the sake of winning. The worst part is that we keep losing despite that.I can hear the laughter of the more jaded politicos now... a half hour talking to one voter??? Yep. That's how much Marshall cares. Name me another politician who would do that for an undecided voter? MUTH’S TRUTHS: Subway Bans Home Schoolers From ContestMy business now goes to Wawa or Quiznos. Radar Online: A Call to Arms Against MillennialsThere are 80 million Gen Y to about 30 million Gen Xers, and it would appear that it is the overwhelming opinion of Gen X that their younger counterparts are... well... stupid, lazy, and weak. A generation just waiting to be told what to do, just to watch them do it poorly. I rest firmly in that middle ground -- Gen XY, the MTV Generation, you-name-it. Gen X in our mindset and approach, we are solidly familiar with everything Gen Y does and "speak the language" (spk teh lgng?) to a point. It's the generation born between 1976 and 1982 that spans the gap. What makes Gen XY so unique? We're the folks who watched Soviet Communism fall. We drank in heavy doses of MTV. We watched fought the War on Terrorism when it was Cobra Commander and Destro threatening the world. We have seen the future of hidden technology -- not RFIDs, but TransFormers and Voltron. We made the transition from Atari to Nintendo to PC with effortless ease. We programmed our own C64 games. We grew up with Ronald Reagan. We watched Reagan and Gorbachev hold summit after summit. Overwhelmingly, we rock. Gen Y may have it's problems, but I wonder how much of that is because Gen X is so buttoned down and professional? True, straddling the fence has it's advantages, but that is what makes the Gen XY/MTV Generation so uniquely positioned to take advantage of the best of both worlds. Double Knockout?Is this like the unassisted triple play of boxing (or UFC, as it were)? The monster slam? The Hail Mary pass? I dunno... but it looks brutal. OTB: Libertarian Party Embraces Big Tent?Bob Barr, Tucker Carlson, and Richard Viguerie headline the Libertarian Party Convention? Is the LP losing it's libertarian moorings? Not so, says McQ over at QandO: No kidding. In fact it appears a conservative attempt at takeover of the good old non-factor LP.Joyner doesn't seem convinced... but it does seems as if the LP is about to have a crisis of conscience between it's purists and the disaffected legions of the GOP. There are some who might argue the converse -- that elements of Grover Norquist's "Leave Me Alone" coalition are reforming around the Libertarian Party. If so, stalwarts in the LP are going to have to come to a decision as to how to absorb the majority (and it will be a majority) of fiscal conservatives flocking to their banner. Is it going to happen? I doubt it seriously. Libertarians are not conservatives for a reason... try arguing the pro-life, pro-drug war schtick within the hallowed walls of the LP and see what happens to you! Bivings Report: John McCain, Strike ThreeWhen I got started in 2007, one of the first things I asked for was an overhaul of the website... a piece of junk the Republican Party of Virginia was being charged someone's salary (yes -- it was that much) to "maintain" with an antiquated CMS and terrible graphics. It was unworkable, unnavigable, and unresponsive... at best. Of course, there's politics behind why that is. Some folks on Executive Committee at the time didn't trust (and still don't understand) the blogosphere. There were some hurt feelings from some higher-ups about letting the previous web providers go. Above all, static content and message control was the mantra, whereas surrendering the site to bloggers, activists or others was tantamount to heresy. In a nutshell, that's why we could never get the RPV site into a true blog. Nevertheless, baby steps are being taken to make sure the site gets to where it needs to go (functionality at this point has trumped style, but this is good in the long haul). Commonwealth Conversations -- RPV's revamp of "The Red Stater" newsletter -- is a solid step in that direction. The new RPV website will indeed rock. That's a promise, not a forecast. But back to topic.... Those consultants that RPV fired? The ones influencing some key folks at RPV not to engage the blogosphere? Unfortunately, they're the same people running John McCain's website, who pretty much just ripped the Obama site and made it McCain-ier. I will give the McCain team some credit. They are trying. But this website looks as if it was made for the "silver surfer" (65 years or older) rather than the social networking crowd. It's a damned mess, lacking originality and completely unfocused. Saturday, May 24, 2008Back from MissouriIn case folks were wondering why I had not blogged in the last few days, I was on a business trip to St. Louis this week. All and all, not bad. Of course, I return to all sorts of happenings in the blogosphere. Gilmore hearts amnesty, the Jeffersoniad Blog Alliance has a hospitality suite for the RPV Convention, Hillary hearts assassinations, and lo and behold -- to make up for it all -- I give you the greatest baseball pitch ever: Not bad... Tuesday, May 20, 2008VDH: The Problem is not conservatism...... it's conservatives who aren't conservative, as author Victor Davis Hanson explains. (h/t to From On High) WaTimes Slams Kaine on TransportationA simple yet modest proposal from the editors of the Washington Times: Rather than raise taxes, the state should reapportion its laughable transportation funding allocation away from politically influential but underpopulated parts of the state.Heh. Cuccinelli Leads in Poll by 2:1With no duplicate IPs and one vote per 24 hours, Cuccinelli has a commanding lead over Brownlee for the Republican AG nomination. Readers here can vote on the far right, whereas other Jeffersoniad bloggers have posted the poll in various conspicuous places. Poll will remain open... online polls tend to reflect a combination of numbers plus enthusiasm, so in that sense alone they are useful. Go vote! Gillespie Hammers NBCAnd rightly so over the editing of President Bush's interview with NBC regarding Iran: Bush aides were angered by how the president's answer was portrayed when Engel questioned him about his condemnation of 'the false comfort of appeasement' in an address last week to the Israeli Knesset. NBC stood by its treatment of the interview Monday.Interpretation: NBC knows what President Bush intended to say, so they edited his remarks until they got what they wanted? Of course, rumors are swirling that the United States is preparing to attack Iran before the end of President Bush's term, a move welcomed by the Israelis but cautioned against by SecDef Gates and SecState Rice back in Washington. You would have missed this if one relied entirely on NBC for "facts" and ethical reporting. UPDATE: The Hill has more from the Gillespie memo: Gillespie used the opportunity to also inquire whether NBC News still believes that Iraq is in the midst of a civil war. In November 2006, the network decided to label the infighting in the country a “civil war.”Don't you just love it when the media tries to create facts that just aren't true? Of course, it certainly makes one shudder that 75,000 people in Oregon rallied to a candidate whose prime issue -- failure in Iraq -- is by and large manufactured (yes, manufactured) by the MSM... that's 75,000 Obama supporters willing to be lied to in order to relive the '60s. Go get 'em, Ed. Monday, May 19, 2008VJP: Can the tent become too big?Hampton Roads area Democrat Vivian Paige asks the tough question about coalition building: That the Democrats with the majority can’t get stuff done is a problem. I understand that universal health care has been in the party platform for decades but does anyone think that such legislation could pass our current Congress?The answer is yes, depending on how big a circle you draw. Take the 2000 Virginia Republican majority... what did it accomplish, other than to throw the Democrats out of power? Hence the lesson, one that I am afraid national Democrats have yet to learn. The less simplistic answer to all of this is that "big tents" aren't difficult to establish, so long as those inside understand what the long poles are. For the GOP, it used to be that the long poles were less government, pro-life, pro-family, and pro-2nd Amendment. For the 1994 Contract with America, there were 10 key votes and an overwhelming anti-Clinton sentiment. In 2006, it was anti-Bush sentiment (not anti-war sentiment -- as the current Democratic majority is demonstrating) that drove the train. Mission accomplished... and now the Democratic majority will have to squabble between its progressive and liberal wings for vision while the Republicans shift gears into a minority party with which they have long been comfortable. The tent built by the Democrats in 2006 was pretty darned big... but when the edifice comes crashing down, my bet is that it will occur with plenty of warning, just as the conservative base cautioned in 2006 and continues to warn the GOP leadership heading into 2008. BVBL: The Hubris Of Jim GilmoreThis is disgusting if it is in the slightest bit true: Jim (Gilmore's) morning started uneventfully at the 8th District, where he and Bob Marshall both gave speeches. Then Bob Marshall left for the 10th District as he should have, but Jim Gilmore went to the closer 11th District instead. At that convention candidate speeches were scheduled to start after the first balloting, which everyone who had bothered to contact Becky Stoeckel (another failure by Jim Gilmore) knew. Sitting in the front row waiting for an opportunity to deliver his pearls of wisdom, while glaring at temporary Chairman Jay O’Brien for being delayed, Gilmore finally lost his patience, stormed the stage, took the microphone away, and launched into a rather lengthly speech. Many convention delegates were pretty stunned, not only because of this incredible display of hubris and self-importance, but because Gilmore actually ended up delaying the first ballot. Gilmore almost certainly lost quite a few delegates with this display.It gets worse. By the time Gilmore made his way over to the 10th District convention, the show was pretty much over. Gilmore and his staff met with 10th District Chairman Jim Rich where Rich was subjected to an angry tirade by one of Gilmore’s staffers, Jesse, who complained that Rich shouldn’t have let Bob Marshall speak until Gilmore was there. Gilmore then gave his speech to the thirty or so people remaining, some who were busy cleaning up trying to get out of there, and not terribly interested in listening to someone who shows up wanting recognition after the show was over.Looks as if Gilmore's situation in Northern Virginia went from pecarious to overtly hostile in the span of a weekend. Not good. Sunday, May 18, 2008Jim Webb for VPJim Webb is on the short list for VP. Don't believe me? Read this and believe. I will add the following: If Obama-Webb is the ticket for the Democratic nomination in 2008, the GOP is in a universe (not world) of hurt. CatHouse Chat: This week's Jeffersoniad JournalKat over at CatHouse Chat gives the Virginia blogosphere a first look at the Jeffersoniad Journal. I'm certain this will be a running feature for the very best of the Virginia rightosphere's blogging talent. Friday, May 16, 2008President McCain's QuestionsRepublican presidential nominee John McCain says he's going to bring Prime Minister's Questions stateside, which is a tremendous idea: "I will ask Congress to grant me the privilege of coming before both houses to take questions, and address criticism, much the same as the prime minister of Great Britain appears regularly before the House of Commons," McCain said in excerpts of a speech he is to deliver later in Columbus, Ohio.Of course, there's a slight question as to whether or not the American talent for hyperbole will turn this into a farce... but even if it's not the President, how cool would it be for the Speaker of the House to trade barbs with the minority -- even without the potential backdrop of a parliamentary system (votes of no confidence, and the like)? I love the parliamentary system of governance, and while I wouldn't replace what we have for it exclusively, I would certainly replace the lower house of any legislature with European-style slating for the purposes of election (and introduce a version of Prime Minister's Questions). Thursday, May 15, 2008Faux OutrageAs only Keith Olbermann can do it: 4,000 American soldiers died for nothing, Mr. Olbermann? Sounds like someone needs to take his own advice... BTW, some genius PR toad decided the best way to spin this rant was to rank it as "his best Special Comments ever." What an ass. Wednesday, May 14, 2008Obama: Israel is "a constant wound"Seems like Obama has qualms expressing his opinion on Israel: JG: Do you think that Israel is a drag on America’s reputation overseas?That's disgusting. Maybe Jim Webb would make a great VP candidate for Obama after all... Poor Bill O'ReillyTorn to pieces in only the way Stephen Colbert can do it: Tuesday, May 13, 2008Jim Webb on being VP"I'm not really interested. That’s all I want to say." Let the crying at Raising Kaine commence. Monday, May 12, 2008The Contemporary Conservative: BREAKING...This. Dirty pool guys... RWL: Oh, by the way, our Iraqi allies WON in BasraGee... why haven't we read this in the MSM? Saturday, May 10, 2008Is It Time to Invade Burma?TIME Magazine asks an interesting philosophical question, whether a nation has the unilateral right -- or obligation -- to offer coercive humanitarian aid: That's why it's time to consider a more serious option: invading Burma. Some observers, including former USAID director Andrew Natsios, have called on the U.S. to unilaterally begin air drops to the Burmese people regardless of what the junta says. The Bush Administration has so far rejected the idea — "I can't imagine us going in without the permission of the Myanmar government," Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Thursday — but it's not without precedent: as Natsios pointed out to the Wall Street Journal, the U.S. has facilitated the delivery of humanitarian aid without the host government's consent in places like Bosnia and Sudan.Wasn't Iraq ultimately coercive humanitarianism (sans NBC weapons)? If the liberation of Iraq was indeed moral and just, and I would argue it was, why not the liberation of Burma? Of course, there are a few reason to the contrary. Iraq was playing footsie with a 1991 cease-fire agreement, Iraq destabilized a large portion of the Middle East, Iraq was actively supporting terrorism, Saddam Hussein was a brutal tyrant guilty of murdering hundreds of thousands of people, Iraq refused to come clean on it's WMD program, etc. Then there's the flip side of the coin: Coercive humanitarian aid involving unfriendly natives doesn't exactly create the best environment. If the goal is not regime change, then the source of the unrest will continue unchecked and unabated. Images of dropping tons of food from C130s on suspecting Kurds comes to mind... then there's the whole "no blood for (fill in the blank)" crowd. The Iraq/Burma parallel is interesting to draw. Thankfully, it's done in an article that doesn't mention Iraq once... so I'm free to draw my own conclusions, rather than have them imposed. The Challenge Dividend: Facebook Ads Don't RockWe're still a long ways from making social media work. Beyond political campaigns, most online fundraising doesn't seem to work without a strong earned media component. Hence the reasons why political types and people who jump in front of the train (petitions and such) seem to catch the wave. It's not just building the storefront either... Obama spent nearly $800,000 priming the pump with online banner ads while using both earned media and an aggressive e-mail strategy (76 e-mails in 28 days???) to committed activists, only to watch his e-mail subscribers drop off the map dramatically. Obviously there's great potential online, but how do you reach those online donors without burning out your base? For smaller campaigns, this will continue to be a problem, whereas smaller organizations with brand names to protect will not be able to counter burnout with positive earned media. Campaigns will have to find a way to take care of their e-mail subscribers by using information, inside baseball, and opportunities for activism. Organizations willing to use online fundraising may find out that in the end... campaigns or single initiatives will be the trick to riding the online fundraising wave. Burnout seems to be the watchword. Moments of brilliance seem to be the key to the "money bomb"; more tactics than strategy. Jim Riley Endorses Bob MarshallJim Riley breaks his open neutrality in the Virginia U.S. Senate race and has endorsed Bob Marshall for U.S. Senate: I know some Virtucon contributors support Marshall while others support Gilmore and yet others won’t support Marshall even if he is the nominee. I respect and understand everyone’s reasons. Do I agree with Bob 100 percent on things? No. But my compelling reason isn’t taxes or social issues. Rather, it is Marshall is simply a great candidate on transportation issues. He doesn’t advocate paving Maryland as I would, but he does support connecting I-95 through DC right up to College Park, something I have long advocated.Riley joins the other veterans of the Virginia rightosphere over at Bloggers 4 Marshall. Is the Democratic Nomination Really Over?Obama is posting a lead, but truth be told, if the DNC actually seats the Florida and Michigan delegates who voted for Hillary, there is only a 30 delegate difference between the two candidates: 1920 to Obama and 1890 to Hillary. Since this is the case, with myDD is reporting 55 superdelegates as "uncommitted" and 518 delegates still left up for grabs, one small legal challenge could up-end the entire apple cart. It would appear as if Hillary's path to victory is still very much alive, despite how the press and the Obama camp are spinning the current state of affairs. Worse news? Polls seems to indicated that McCain edges out Obama in a head to head contest, but Hillary edges McCain... Wild!Click here for the coolest picture you'll see all weekend. ...unless you see a McCain/Cantor '08 announcement. I'm just sayin'. Gun Owners of America Endorses Bob Marshall!Big news! ...well, big for some folks. Read on! "It will take someone like [Marshall] to excite the Republican base, which he will do not just on the firearms issue," according to Macy. "At the moment, Republican voters are disillusioned because they do not see politicians taking their issues seriously."Amen to that. RWL: Are Gilmore’s bloggers actually reading these bills?Time to sign somebody up for remedial reading classes, as D.J. McGuire takes the Gilmore bloggers to school -- AGAIN. Curiously, this is being done by a Gilmore camp convinced (or trying to convince others) it has the nomination wrapped up. You only go negative when you're losing folks... Thursday, May 08, 2008TORNADO!Just a bad thunderstorm at the moment... seems like it passed us over. Wednesday, May 07, 2008Loose CowTop of the driveway coming home this evening... a loose cow. Great. John McCain and William WilberforceJohn McCain's frontpage gives us a quote from none other than William Wilberforce: "When we think of eternity, and of the future consequences of all human conduct, what is there in this life that should make any man contradict the dictates of his conscience, the principles of justice, the laws of religion, and of God?" -- William WilberforceAwesome. And just in time to stand up for rock-solid conservative judges (you can sign the petition here). Frankly, the speech McCain gave on human liberty reads to be one heck of a speech. Some excerpts: Last year the world celebrated the 200th anniversary of the abolition of the British and American slave trade in 1807. Nearly fifty-six years would pass before Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, signaling the end of slavery in the United States. But the achievement of both countries in terminating the international slave trade and setting into motion the titanic and bloody struggle to close a shameful chapter in the history of our country should be remembered as a turning point in mankind's long and fitful progress toward a more just world. William Wilberforce had struggled for years in the British parliament to strike the lethal blow against the abominable institution that had scarred Western civilization for centuries. He was a humble Christian man, powerfully motivated by his faith, whose example instructs every person born in freedom that we have a moral obligation not to turn a blind eye to assaults on the collective dignity of humanity wherever they occur.What a great speech. Whomever McCain's speechwriter is deserves a gold star (or at the very least, a raise). RWL: The Warnerese-to-English Translator!This is blogging gold: In our third year, we traveled the Commonwealth, holding an honest discussion with Virginians about what they expected from state government. In the end, Republicans and Democrats came together and we fixed the budget mess.Beautiful. I sure do hope we can see more installments in upcoming Mark Warner speeches... because this clears up everything.
Roanoke Red Zone:
JEFFERSONIAD POLL: Whom do you support for Virginia Attorney General?1) John Brownlee2) Ken Cuccinelli AboutShaunKenney.com is one of Virginia's oldest political blogs, focusing on the role of religion and politics in public life. Shaun Kenney, 30, lives in Fluvanna County, Virginia.ContactThe JeffersoniadArchivesMarch 2002 April 2002 May 2002 June 2002 July 2002 August 2002 September 2002 October 2002 November 2002 December 2002 January 2003 February 2003 March 2003 April 2003 May 2003 June 2003 July 2003 August 2003 September 2003 October 2003 November 2003 December 2003 January 2004 February 2004 March 2004 April 2004 May 2004 June 2004 July 2004 August 2004 September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 April 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009